My Van Saar gang progressed at a rate of about 1.5 gangers per year, but speeding up. Heavy bolter kitbash will be done next (after some Mordheim, 2nd ed 40k Chaos and others...)
Not the best picture, will try to get some better ones - in action or something, soon..
I have.. eight more models to paint, for now. Another Death Maiden, like more "stock" but with a plasma pistol. Some bolt gun Matriarchs, a grenade launcher and plasma cannon plus a Furiosa (ganger with that bionic arm and a Wyld Runner head with a different pony tail, braid) and yet another Sister with autogun..
I'm a long time lurker. Recently got the Necromunda bug after a long hiatus with life and kids. I'm using the old comps as Inspiration to get moving. Here's my Hired Gun for Comp 1 - A WYSIWYG hireling of some kind. Also going to join the current comp. Will make a WIP for it later.
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