Six thousand years?! And other GoMo fluff questions

Yeah, that does make a lot more sense! thanks :)

With reference to the original 6000 years question, there is a blurby background box on page 4 of Da Uvver book stating that the Imperium named the world and sent ships to explore and investigate it "hundreds of years ago". Assuming this is referring to the Eternal Vigilance and Angelis Base station reports, this suggests that at the time of Gorkamorka being set is still in M35/36.

A zogging long time ago from the 'current' 40k timeline.

EDIT: So the night stalkers are Necrons most likely? What other theories are out there?
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2. Where do the Orks get all their vehicle fuel?

Their vehicles are gas powered. Not as in "gasoline" (British game - we'd say petrol if that's what was meant) but as in the one after liquid. Presumably something like methane derived from biogas. Check out page 93 of Da Uvver Book - top of the right column. Gas pressure is mentioned.

Just going to pop this here from P77 of 'Ere We Go as a bit of additional proof.

Screenshot 2022-05-10 190654.jpg
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While I could see ork society staying static and humans degenerating, over 6000 years I’d say the humans probably would have re-evolved into a different society (compare modern society to 4000 BC society).

As for fuel; I kinda imagined them harvesting Prometheum from the planet somehow. But it’s fun to imagine the orks feeding special mushrooms to Grots or Squigs so they pee burnable fuel. Would help explain all the Grots in some crews.

Our own @Kon-rad has been sculpting digga women. You should totally check out his thread and gallery.
Cheers Punktauku. Beat me to it. I was going to answer the "What's the position of women in Digga society?" question with, "Any zoggin' position dey wantz!"
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Not sure if it was mentioned, but there was an article saying when the hulk gets repaired, the orks fly away, and newly emergent meks start the process again. Forget where I saw it.
Not sure if it was mentioned, but there was an article saying when the hulk gets repaired, the orks fly away, and newly emergent meks start the process again. Forget where I saw it.
I've seen people suggest that as the ultimate fate of what the Orks are working on but I've never seen anything official.
Hi, I registered to say just how much I enjoyed reading this thread. I'm also happy to find that I am not the only one who still thinks about Gorkamorka. I went back and read some other threads on this forum about the background and found it really interesting. A lot of this never occured to me until I read it. I always thought that Gorkamorka was set in the 41st millenium, and that the 'reports' in the book were written thousands of years before time of the game setting. But the argument that the game is actually set in M36 is very compelling.

I would also like to add my own note that just occured to me: this places the game setting in the same time period as the Age of Apostasy, which was also noted as being plagued by warp storms that disrupted warp travel. I think that the background material for the Age of Apostasy was fleshed out around the same time as Gorkamorka for the Sisters of Battle Codex in 1997.

After reading this thread I have come up with my own theory of what happened to the Orks:

1. The hulk crashed hundreds of years before the game setting.
2. The Orks never finish building Gorkamorka.
3. Hundreds of years after the game setting the Necrons 'reset' all life on Angelis back to the state of the planet before the human explorers arrived (as in wiping out all life including down to the microbial level, which would presumably include all Orkoid spores).
4. Gorkamorka sits rusting in the middle of the empty city of Mektown until it and the city are worn down to nothing over the centuries by sand storms.
5. By the time the Ultramarines arrive thousands of years later there is nothing on the surface to show that the thriving Ork civilisation was ever there.

- Skarboy