Spyrers As A Normal Gang


New Member
Jun 17, 2016
Hallo! I'm planning a Necromunda campaign with some altered circumstances; leading to Spyrers being trapped in the underhive and having to work more like a normal gang. I bashed together some rules for this, but while I have a lot of experience writing game rules in general, I'm fairly new to Necromunda.

What do people think? < link
Is there anything obviously too strong/too weak? Am I missing anything?

(While 'don't do it' or 'run a normal campaign first' might be good advice, they're not helpful for my purposes because I'm stubborn as hell.)
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Oh; also, it includes updated rules for matriarchs and patriarchs. I worked backwards from their LRB rules to work out how strong they should be, and it looked like they had in the region of 22 advances. I rounded up their 'cost' to 800 credits; four normal syprers, to make up for all of their advances being relevant and useful. (I'm kinda tempted to design a base-level Patriarch suit; it seems like an Octavian suit could be cool. Not sure what Matriarch would do tho.)
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Having looked at the linked file, I still have little idea what your proposed rules are.

They're not outlaws, but they only get one territory(?)

They normally get to wear their suits, I assume, but not if a fight breaks out in town - is this just fluff, or supposed to be relevant to Shoot Out scenarios?

Food is running out "You require income as a normal gang, but you halve the amount." - is that halve the amount generated or halve the amount needed? The latter would only really make sense if subject to outlaw starvation rules, but the former seems odd given they already lose 5 creds per territory (and it's not clear whether this would be halve then minus 5 or minus 5 and then halve).
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Thanks for the feedback!

I messed up with the territory part. For some reason I thought you started with one territory as default; I should really have checked the basic rules before writing this.

I was thinking of a random event table which had 'a fight breaks out' as an option. In retrospect, I might just remove that section. I figured it would hardly ever come up, but when it does it's going to be crippling.

For the food part, I was actually thinking of the income reduction you suffer based on number of models, though I was confusing it with starvation rules. Have edited that section quite a lot.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious mistakes.
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Interesting idea, not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve - just adding territory/income/upkeep?

Fluffwise, they are fresh hunters that are already running out of suit supplies and feeling empathy for downhive scum? Sounds like it would work better with an already established hunt that has been isolated by a hive quake and cannot return.

I've been mucking about with having a territory for spyrers where their regeneration/repair chamber is stashed/hidden(and just looks like a broken pile of trash), with chances of enemies discovering its location and being able to attempt to destroy it(if successful then the spyrers have to scrounge for bits and if failed then it is moved elsewhere)...
Yeah, I'm just trying to make them work more like the others, give them more room to grow and expand and change, make them slightly more customisable.

Fluffwise it would be much easier for them to be an established hunt, but I can't justify making the gang's start more powerful than normal when I'm already making everything overcomplicated.

...and that territory would be hella useful, if you can/want to share. :)

I have no idea if Inquisitor stuff would be useful, I know even less about Inquisitor than I do necromunda. ^_^''
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The regen chamber I mentioned is part of a complicated/messy/untested rewrite where they can't return above the wall, but start with 8 models...

...up to four models can venture out and hunt each battle - those that stay behind have a chance of healing a serious injury,

...for these rules I am making 8 spyrer suits available. 5) Vatra (pyro), 6) Altum ('nade launcher based on @Loriel's concept), 7) [name] (based on old Space Crusaide "Android"/=necron model, 8) [no set idea yet] ......

...notes are scattered pieces of paper and a couple of files on my (somewhere in a box) computer. :-/