N18 Squat List (2k) for Ascension Campaign!


New Member
Jan 25, 2022
Hey, All! Been tinkering with the tools here forever. Never posted.

We're starting a 2,000 cr Ascension campaign in October, and I've been agonizing over my Squats list. Lifelong dwarf fanboi and I want to do my fav fantasy/sci-fi shorties justice!


Let me know any thoughts or suggestions - going up against gangs including Delaque and Gene Stealers in the pitch black, hence all the photo goggles. Dealing with their psykers is gonna be rough!
I don't have any experience with Squats in Necromunda, but my observation would be a) you have a lot of short ranged weapons for a gang with a base M of 4, and b) the weapons you have lack hitting power for starting with 2000 points. Nothing in your list goes above s4 ap-1 and with 2k points you can expect opponents to be packing armour.

I'd be looking for a better balance of good, mid and long range weapons and would probably not be building into the relative dead-end of autoguns and stub pistols with this much starting cash
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Yeah, I hear ya. Being restricted to only the Ironhead list with 2000 cr kinda hurts. The only things they have above s4 are the mining laser heavy and a 150cr rapid-fire meltagun. So one is a costly heavy and one is still short range. Hitting 24" means a lot of their autoguns (the extra rapid fire is nice, I guess) or dropping 100cr per body for their rapid-fire boltgun (just a storm bolter w/o scarce trait). No access to plasma feels rough.
I would agree that your list lacks range and hitting power. I would assume with that many starting credits your enemies will be bringing some truly terrifying gangers even accidentally.
You have spent a lot of credits on equipment that while fun, doesn't help you kill your enemy. (Bio boosters, drop rig, medicae kit, photo goggles) Only your truly scary guns need photo goggles. These credits could be used for more killing power. You also have a lot of gernades on leaders and Champs, people who should have better things to do with their activations. (Shooting the scary guns they should be packing)
I would start with a firebase of gangers with Ironhead Autoguns to lay down supporting fire. Then focus on getting your Champs some scary weaponry. Definitely try to include the ironhead meltagun, it is terrifying, maybe on a hipshooting Leader. Maybe a boltgun champ or 2, or save some credits to buy a plasmagun after the first game. Then a couple cheap diggers to take advantage of their spd 5. Just a thought, diggers can take blasting charges that allow them to hit above their weight class. It's a suicide run, but a great one.
Make sure everyone has Mesh Armor, then limit better armor to key models like your leader. Squats have access to Displacer Fields on their gear list which could be an interesting alternative to Carapace Armor.
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Here is my take on it. If you wanted photo goggles you could drop the mining laser and/or the blasting charges and buy them for your key champs.
I would invest in the vartijan Exodrill with heavy bolter, it is ridiculously cheap And the HB itself has ammo 4+, otherwise a flamer can mess you days pretty bad.