N18 Starting GSI Delaque Gang


New Member
Feb 25, 2020
What di you all think about the following genestealer infected Delaque starting gang list ?? (leader starts with 2 psychic powers, must pay both upgrade for delaque psyker and GS psyker, it was ruled by this by the arbitrator of our campaign).

Master of Shadows 280
- Plasma Pistol
- Web Gauntlet
- Psychic Familiar
* Infiltrate
* Mind Control
* Penumbral Mirror

Nacht-Ghul 200
- Serpents Fangs
*Spring Up

Phantom 85
* Fixer

Abberant 95
* Unstoppable

Ghost specialist 70
- Long Rifle

Ghost 55
- Autogun

Ghost 55
- Lasgun

Ghost 70
- Shotgun with scatter and solid

Shadow 30
- Autopistol

Whisper Merchant 30

The idea is to infiltrate the MoS and use tactics cards to infiltrate the Abberant and NG alongside her. She can the use PMirror to move the abberant into combat, use MC on heavy weapon troopers and generally be a menace in the backlines. Buy Thunder Hammer and get NoS on Abberant later on. Get a Frenzon collar for NG.
Shadow will use tactics to deploy with this group for assist and CdG. Buy a webpistol later on.

Phantom will not be fielded in the first game. Use Fixer and Whisper Merchant as well as leftover cash to buy a Lascannon for Phantom asap.
Will form long range support together with long rifle ghost.
Other ghosts are generally there for fire support and pinnning. Shotgunner will buy executioner shells asap for more punch at mid-range.

Use Mass Infiltration, Service Tunnels and Seize the Initiative to create a infiltrating alpha stike and hopefully take out key enemy pieces early on.

Any opinions/improvements/ideas ?? :)
Master of Shadows 280
- Plasma Pistol
- Web Gauntlet
- Psychic Familiar
* Infiltrate
* Mind Control
* Penumbral Mirror
I'd talk to your arbitrator and see if you can take outcast powers rather than the genestealer ones--they aren't super great. If they say yes I wouldn't bother with the psychoteric whispers at all.

As it stands now your leader is going to be constantly in risky positions to do "meh" shenanagins. They aren't super impressive in melee--that's a nacht-ghul's job.

If you do want to do penumbral mirror stuff leveling up a psi-gheist is probably the better bet as they get access to the wyrms.

Also bear in mind that your leader is an unsanctioned psyker, if they get captured they can be sold for 100% value, immediately, with no chance at rescue. Given how out of position they will have to be in their current build I'd say they are at risk of going out of action often, thus having more chances at bad rolls on the injury table.

Phantom 85
* Fixer
This may end up biting you if you get a random crew selection scenario. I'm not sure how fast you consider "asap" for getting a las cannon (it's def not going to be after the first or even second game). Your phantom needs some gear to start with (preferably good gear to not waste its stat line).

In general you don't have many threatening models, and the ones that are threatening have to go out of position/into close combat to be threatening. i.e. all your important models are your front line models, while all of your expendable models are your backline models.

I also think leaning on tactics cards isn't a great strategy.

Depending how your opponents have built their gangs it's likely you will fall behind and never recover.
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