The Conscripts and Military Police head for the Tunnel - The end phase of this turn is their last chance to rally, as next movement phase would take them off the table. The Tallarn squad passes the leadership test required to not follow the MPs further than they have already, so they are free to turn their attentions to the Mordians.
The Command Squad moves from the base of the lookout tower towards the inner set of barricades on the North end of the table - the Cadians are already past the outer ring and closing in.
The remaining Mordians hold their position and manage to kill one of the advancing Tallarns.
With no targets presenting themselves to the Command Squad, they
reserve move up to the inner barricades and into cover.
It's the moment of truth for the Conscripts and the Military Police. Can they stay to fight? True to form, the Conscripts fail and will leave the table at the start of the next PDF turn. The two remaining MPs, however, rally themselves and turn to face the Tallarn squad.
The Cadian/Command Squad holds position, the PDF Command Squad now a viable target and in range. The Tallarns move towards the front of the generaor building whilst leaving the meltagun stationary, as it's
slow. The Tallarn lasgunners target the mordians they can see, scoring three hits at close range, killing two of them. The remaining three Moridans decide that it would be a great idea to make sure the story of their glorious defence to the last man makes it to their commanding officers. Definitely a promotion to Corporal in it they reckon, so, fluffing their Rout roll, they head for the tunnel.
The Tallarn Meltagunner, having felt sadly neglected for the battle so far, levels it at one of the MPs who looks like he might be intending to joing the fight again... with a screaming whoosh of energy he's flash-boiled into a searing cloud of giblets. His companion dosn't waste any time in failing his Rout roll as well, turning tail immediately. His next movement phase will take him from the table.
The Cadian/Command Squad's view of the PDF Command Squad is hampered by a statue in the generator complex's courtyard, but everyone can see
someone to shoot. The plasmagunner goes first, taking careful aim at the guy with a banner pole on his back, and fires a ball of incandescent plasma. The PDF Captain is solidly hit, losing a wound... the Plasmagunner holds his finger on the trigger, his
following fire hitting again, burning the PDF Captain to a crisp.
Feeling the end is near, the Heavy Bolter and remaining Lasgunenrs open fire on the other members of the PDF Command Squad, killing one of its Lasgunners. The Command Squad passes its
Rout test, but it's meaningless - Next turn they'll be in the centre of a Tallarn pincer movement with nothing but three terrified Mordians as unreliable support. With a glance at each other, they call it a day, high-tailing it for the tunnels.
The Power Generation complex falls to the Tallarns. Seeing those traitorous PDF dogs running into the tunnels they're confident that the forces of Graxis will kill them all at the city's limits, so they secure the area instead, administering swift mercy on those enemies still showing signs of life. It's a little weird how these traitors didn't deface any of their Imperial issue equipment though... ah well, not worth losing sleep over trifling details like that.
The senior secreatary to the planetary governor looked at the two comabat reports on her ink-stained desk. They'd both been delivered moments apart by seperate undersecretaries.
One report showed an Imperial Guard detachment stationed on the planet for training valiantly assaulting a traitor-held power generation complex, paying in blood to scour it of hertical scum. There was even a commendation recommendation for a Scout Sentinel pilot in the dispatch.
The other report showed a PDF force supported by some Mordian Guard valiantly defending a power generation complex which was being assaulted by foul traitor Guardsmen. They were let down by some weak and feeble Conscripts - all summarily put to death, naturally - but managed to defend the site for some time against insurmountable odds. There was a commendation recommendation in this one for the sole surviving member of a Military Police unit which had tagged along.
There had been, it would seem, something she would personally class as a total and utter balls up.
Glancing around the room from her raised dais, she quickly made sure none of the other secretaries or clerks were looking at her as she slid the two reports quietly into the waste basket beside her desk, dropping a browned apple core from her lunch on top for good measure.
Problem solved.
A few days later, the rough roar of poorly tuned engines reverberates around the silent generator complex, accompanied by sporadic gunfire and bursts of raucus laughter...
"Oi, boss!" a rough voice calls.
"Wot is is, grotbotherer?"
"Dere's dried up 'oomie juice everywere!"
"You mean..."
"Yes boss! We missed a good scrap by a coupl'a days!"
The angry roar of frustartion echoes around the area...