TAG WAR UK 2024!


Troll King
Staff member
Yak Comp 1st Place
Tribe Council
Dec 29, 2012

TAG WAR UK 2024 is coming!

Tribemeet Anything Goes War Uk 2024!

When? 21st and 22nd September 2024.
Where? Newark Showground, NG24 2NY, UK.
How much? £40 per person for 2 days!
What extras do I get? TBA dependant on ticket sales!
Camping again? Yes it was a great success! £30 per pitch for 2 nights - please pay with ticket price to avoid further fees.
Ruleset? ANYTHING!
Are you excited? OH YES!

We now have a 6 year proven track record of delivering the event so we will be selling tickets via our own dedicated website

Tickets sell fast so don’t delay!

Are you up for a gathering of enthusiasts of all things wargaming for a weekend of action-packed gaming among friends?

This year we the Committee have decided to have a bit of a rest, so we thought we’d let you play anything you want. We all know that the advancing years don’t let us play pew pew as much as we‘d all want so let’s use this weekend as an excuse!

This absolutely does not mean you can’t come and play NCE or Newmunda in fact it’s openly encouraged! but we thought it would be fun to let people create their own story and play anything you like, just decide what you want to play and crack on! All we ask is you let us know what you will be playing when you pay for a ticket / book a table.

Dedicated Ticket Website

Table Booking

Initially you will be able to book a table on a first come first served basis, we have at least 25, however if demand is massive we may have to change this to half days throughout the weekend.

Previous Event Photos








Tribemeet UK 2022

Photos from Clockworks Phone & the WhatsApp feed

Legal Stuff

The organisers aren’t doing this for a profit, all money raised goes towards the hall, terrain, rule packs and prizes. Anything left over is kept for the next event and even the organising committee pay their ticket price.

In the very unlikely event that anything you bring to the event is stolen or damaged, this includes models and scenery but is not limited to, this is at your own risk. The organisers accept no liability.

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Just off the A1 and within 10 minutes taxi ride of Newark Train station and the East Coast Mainline, Newark Showground has excellent transport links to the rest of the country.


Newark Showground | Events & Conference Centre

Newark Showground hosts the biggest and best events within Nottinghamshire and the East Midlands. Set in 120 acres, the site can host practically any event.

We have hired the Sheldon Suite and Stuart Goodwin Pavilion:

Newark Showground > Sir Stuart Goodwin Pavilion






Camping on site next to the event hall is on this year! Tickets/Pitches are £15 per night.



Nearby Accommodation

The nearest hotel is approx 10 minutes drive from the Showground, attendees are responsible for booking and paying for their own nearby accommodation.

Newark Hotels | Book Cheap Hotels In Newark | Premier Inn

Our Newark Hotel is ideally located just 5 minutes from Newark Showground. Great for visiting the bustling nearby towns. Book Direct.




Food is not provided as part of the ticket price although there are many local eateries nearby (depending on Ticket sales and any remaining balance we may provide Yakbaps TBC)

Tribemeet Code of Conduct:

-Respect the enemy crushed under your boot
-Bask in the reflected glory of your conqueror
-The dice gods are fickle, do not get upset when their plans manifest against you
-Violence, threats, or insulting language belong in the hive, not in the room
-Any rules conflicts will be decided by arbitrators
-Arbitrator decisions are final
- Respect the models of others and only touch after being granted permission, and even then treat with great care.
Just to allay anyone's fears of having to bring new stuff or be overwhelmed with new rulesets - you're under no obligation to try all these things. You'll always find an opponent for NCE or Bolt Action... And if you're doing BA you won't even need an army as I'll give you one to use.

Our plan is anyone can try anything they like, but if you want to just play Necromunda then that's not an issue at all.
Oh absolutely. I will be bringing a few starter armies and will be happy to run demo games for anyone interested in giving infinity a go. At the same time I am looking forward to trying some new stuff too, this weekend is whatever you want it to be, as long as it is fully clothed and involves some kind of tabletop game, this Tribemeet, Anything Goes! (See what I did there, with the TAG and everything). #smooth #TAGWar
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Think I’ll be doing a bit of everything, don’t forget to sign up to the path to glory campaign!
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Reactions: MancInventor
I will get around to buying a ticket.

EDIT: ticket and camping pitch bought.

Given the terrain I'm still putting together (with great help from @CaptainDangerous), hopefully putting some spare minis together could afford a game or two of Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse, in amongst a game or two of NCE.

I'm also wondering if anyone would be keen on a tabletop RPG like D&D or WHFRP, probably pregenerated characters to speed things up. Might get a poll thread or similar up to gauge interest.
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