Necromunda The ClockworkOrange Troll Lol Lol Lol Song

I completely forgotten about that. We use it on site in the cement as a plasticiser for exactly the same reasons.

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Never heard of that before - strange isn't it I was sharing a really simple technique I've done hundreds of times and I've learnt some new things thanks all.
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Proper nerd day planned for today - Off to play armada with the new board and then I'm going to finish the necro board tiles later tonight.

I'll put photos up of the armada action.

Also to celebrate 20 years of necro come back soon for the clockworkorange grand 6 x 4 board unveiling ceromony photoshoot!

Spot of 4 player Armada earlier, team Clockworkorange lost twice much fun was had though.
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Game 1 - We were the rebels game plan kill all the enemies tie fighters and bombers avoide engaging capital ships. Fairly successfully managed that and circled round behind them, however we bungled our orders and didn't activate our squadrons at a key point, we also had some fairly poor dice rolls so in the end we lost by a few points.

Game 2 - balls to tactics lets get them! Big mistake don't take on a star destroyer from the front! We'd lost 2 of our biggest cap ships (of 4) by turn 3........our x-wings did kill one star destroyer but we lost by about 50 points in the end.

Good game I'd recommend giving it a go if you get chance.
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I like the varied colour look, gives it a bit more of a lived in feel for the tiles. Look great too!
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Any idea why they no longer fitted? did they adsorb some of the moisture from the paint and expand?
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Yep they are now slightly bigger than the space tiles I made which is really weird. Although 1 grain of sand stuck to the edge makes a few mm difference.

I'm also wondering if it's to do with the low temps in the garage currently. All Very odd. I've had to cut prob 4mm/5mm of about 12 of them and I'll prob have to do the same to the others otherwise each tile will have to go in the exact same place each time.