Law and Misrule, and Uprising campaigns are variations of the Dominion campaign. In theory, they could all three be combined, because the basics of the campaigns are the same. Like split-pea soup, Texas chili, and beef stew are similar in concept, but different in taste, texture, and culture. Cooking all three together in a pot might not make for an appetizing meal. The variations are not exactly compatible.
I had a campaign that "combined" the Dominion campaign,the Book of Perils and the Book of Judgement dropped into my lap due to the Arbitrator's inability to continue to participate. So, this wasn't my design, and it was a first look at combining so many disparate rules. And, the Necromunda books are kinda notorious for rules conflicts Not just typos, and cut-and-paste errors, but the impression the books are written by different teams. I spent the rest of the campaign weeding out and simplifying (didn't even attempt to add the BoP Badzones stuff, which I like!). It was all of it just too hard for the players (and me). Folks like novel stuff, but they don't want to be overwhelmed with tons of rules. It was soon apparent that we all were not playing by the same rules interpretations, anyway.
Trying to put EVERYTHING into one campaign is fraught with peril. Because one books is a recipe for soup. And, the other is a recipe for chili. And, the third is beef stew. Separately, great. Adding ingredients and spices of one recipe to the other is perhaps tasty. But, trying to make an appetizing hybrid chili-soup-stew may not be even possible.
Instead, my advice is to build UP, not DOWN. I'd advise against trying to first add in everything. Instead add to the campaign the ingredients you like, what you can manage, and what compliments YOUR campaign . Because I'm not sure everything works together. Maybe it's possible, and maybe you can. If it works out, good for you.
Finally, if you give players access to the Black Market Trading Post as written in the rules, good luck.