The Great Bits trade topic

Nope. . . .this is just me. . . Bored and broke. . . Melting bread bag tags with the iron
If you cut up bits of sprue and stick them in a jar of acetone (usually in nail polish remover) then it melts into goo. It can then be used as putty and when the acetone evaporates the putty will return to a hard plastic. I've not tried it yet but the YouTube video was convincing.
If you cut up bits of sprue and stick them in a jar of acetone (usually in nail polish remover) then it melts into goo. It can then be used as putty and when the acetone evaporates the putty will return to a hard plastic. I've not tried it yet but the YouTube video was convincing.
. . . . . . . . . . Moldable plastic.. . . From. . . . Old. . . . -looks at mountain of unused bits- . . . I might have to try this. . . ..
Second post here, looking for Dark Eldar Wracks bits, more specifically their face masks but would be up for a whole unbuilt model(s)
Should also say im in Canada so not sure about postage.
Looking for old metal Necromunda figures
Bounty Hunter #3
Cawdor with Grenade Launcher.
Escher with Lasgun #2.
Escher Juve with Stub Gun.
Goliath with Lasgun and Auto Pistol.
Orlock with Lasgun #1.
Orlock with Autogun and Stub Gun.

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Would anyone (UK preferably) have a single Warhammer Quest giant spider I can buy? Need one to complete my set.

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I probably do somewhere. Well, definitely somewhere - just not quite sure where. And I think some were a bit broken, if that matters to you.
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