Necromunda The Sump: General hobby venting thread (Beware: old men shouting at clouds)

I thought I saw something that looked like a limo in a release photo the other day, though I can’t remember what or where.

Problem with the Delaque is that they just seem uninspired. Like someone saw Trenchcoats and thought “The Matrix” and then every accessory they got looks like it’s escaped from the machine world.

Our Trenchcoat boys predated that by four years and if I was to associate a machine controlled future with them I’d say they’re more like Kyle Reece in The Terminator.

They’re stealthy, keeping to the shadows, using the big coat to hide their guns before blasting their target.

The new ones look like the love child of a vampire and a grey alien.
I think of Dark City (1998) when seeing the new Delaque.

The ORB aesthetic was much better in my opinion. Much more “gangy.” Except maybe that lascannon…
The presence of a lascannon I don’t mind, it’s most likely 10 lasguns strapped together, focused down a backwards telescope inside a drainpipe powered by a battery of dubious construction.

It’s the guy holding it I worry about… he looks like he’s experiencing a medical episode!!
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The presence of a lascannon I don’t mind, it’s most likely 10 lasguns strapped together, focused down a backwards telescope inside a drainpipe powered by a battery of dubious construction.

It’s the guy holding it I worry about… he looks like he’s experiencing a medical episode!!
I have a funny story to tell about that one. Back in our campaign during the 90s one player had a gang with this bald lascannon gunner. He ended up in melee with an Escher ganger who had the Disarm ability. So she disarmed the gunner and everybody stared in shock as the lascannon fell from the ledge onto the pavement and then slid through the sewer grates never to be seen again. Much fun ensued with this occurrence and the result was that the Delaque player erased the gang from the campaign. :)
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WarCom article today.

"Necromunda is on the brink of disaster. Here's how it got there."

Umm.. okay? Set me up for the punch line please?

How about:

- lack of clear design focus
- lack of proper editing
- lack of consistent rules writing
- rules bloat
- following the 40K example (ie. Codices)

Anyone else have anything to add?
WarCom article today.

"Necromunda is on the brink of disaster. Here's how it got there."

Umm.. okay? Set me up for the punch line please?

How about:

- lack of clear design focus
- lack of proper editing
- lack of consistent rules writing
- rules bloat
- following the 40K example (ie. Codices)

Anyone else have anything to add?
Really fugly looking models?
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WarCom article today.

"Necromunda is on the brink of disaster. Here's how it got there."
I haven't been following the "plot" and reading that article makes we wonder, who is? Are people really playing out a battle for control of the world in a skirmish game? If they are, why aren't they making up their own plot that doesn't require a series of poorly written books and the ability the expense what I assume is a couple of hundred quids worth of FW resin?
Eugh, I feel like they are gonna release a box of house aranthus soldiers in white with archeotech... Which would be cool, but I just want scavvies!
I haven't been following the "plot" and reading that article makes we wonder, who is? Are people really playing out a battle for control of the world in a skirmish game? If they are, why aren't they making up their own plot that doesn't require a series of poorly written books and the ability the expense what I assume is a couple of hundred quids worth of FW resin?
Because kids today have ZERO imagination. Smombies staring 24/7 at a screen and indoctrinated to buy premade terrain and books.
So with all this heresy and chaos, are we finally going to get the official Necromunda exterminatus? At this point, I hope so - that way the survivors can finally skirmish as poorly armed gangs, picking through the remnants of collapsed domes and abandoned, forgotten sectors of massive hive cities... sort of like the game was meant to be.
So with all this heresy and chaos, are we finally going to get the official Necromunda exterminatus? At this point, I hope so - that way the survivors can finally skirmish as poorly armed gangs, picking through the remnants of collapsed domes and abandoned, forgotten sectors of massive hive cities... sort of like the game was meant to be.
Ooh, it was an origins story all along! Well, they could've sold that more convincingly...
I'm not sure how well I can put this into words but...

The problem I see with Necromunda is perfectly illustrated by the original game release. We had the core game and the various gang boxed sets then we had the Outlanders expansion with it's associated gang boxed sets and then, other than a few re-designed minis, nothing. Why? Simple... there was nothing else to do with it. We've got our rules, we've got our gangs, we've got our setting.... okay, now what? What else do we do with it? Continuously re-design the minis? What other products could be made to keep the game "alive".

With Newcromunda, they changed the setting, making it more political and having the gangs more closely tied to the Houses as a means of allowing for more character types, hired guns, advanced equipment, hangers-on, etc... all of which would necessitate minis to represent them and thus products to produce. In doing so however, they lost the appeal of the original setting. In their attempt to keep the game "alive" and producing new products (and thus making money), they seem to be moving further and further away from what the game originally was.

So it's either the one-way dead end street of the original game or the "turned into something completely different" of the new version. I'm not sure if there is a solution or a happy medium or whatever. I personally can't think of one.
At least with the "one-way dead end street" of the original we were able to consistently think up new themes and additions, taking the fights to different locations with a little creativity and experience. Keeping it fresh ourselves.

It seems that would be a much more daunting prospect with the new version because they've gone to town trying to legislate and rule for everything that *they* want *their* narrative to have. Railroaded the story and setting to the extent that it looks like more work to get back to a clean basis to build on.
I prefer the term 'finished product' over 'dead-end street'. Like... yeah, they could just stop making releases. That would have been fine. There was a community, the rules were available, minis could be proxied. And now what we have is a *smaller* community for the game because a portion of that community has split off into a different, barely-related game.

I was part of a group that played N95, then we moved to the new game, now Necromunda is dead in my area. We did not need ongoing releases *at all*; endless expansion isn't a good thing. refine it till it's good, then stop.
I prefer the term 'finished product' over 'dead-end street'. Like... yeah, they could just stop making releases. That would have been fine. There was a community, the rules were available, minis could be proxied. And now what we have is a *smaller* community for the game because a portion of that community has split off into a different, barely-related game.

I was part of a group that played N95, then we moved to the new game, now Necromunda is dead in my area. We did not need ongoing releases *at all*; endless expansion isn't a good thing. refine it till it's good, then stop.
Tempted to get the new rulebook when it becomes available at a FLGS as that is the refinement. I still like GotU as a good finished gang building article. Though we are going with House of Books since we have them.

The whole house Aranthus schtick and actually Ash wastes is a bad taste expansion that can be forgotten imo. That said if they did a compendium with all vehicle rules I'd be tempted to get it. Unfortunately I suspect they'd be added to a house of x Book 2 rather than a pure vehicle book. So I'll stick to Necrodamus for vehicles for now.
On a slight tangent, I watched a couple of warhammer community painting videos, and they appear to have a weird delivery. Like they've been coached in a certain style... Seems really weird compared to the myriad other painting tutorials out there!
A very popular term these days, typically used as a question: "Is it dead?". My impression is that most people prefer a "living" game above all else. For me, too much uncontrolled life is worse than death. Whether a game is alive or dead is often times irrelevant, what matters if people play it.