Except we know - drop pods will be 4 to a box, bikes will come in a mixed box of fast attack units - 4 stands of bikes, 4 x 2 land speeders, 6 bases of jetbikes. So far every plastic box for LI is costed the same - 30 GBP from GW website (exception being repackaged titans, flyers, resin stuff and of course starter set).It's not min-maxing, that's literally what it'll cost. The points values of everything (Minus the wave 2 stuff like bikes, drop-pods, basilisks, etc) is out, the physical cost of everything is out.
The White Dwarf Death Guard force people were costing out is a little tricky to cost as some of the boxes haven't been released yet, but my guestimate is:
1x Starter box (£120)
2x Astartes Legionary box (£60)
1x Kratos box (£30)
1x Xiphon box (£30)
1x Rhino box (£30)
1x Predator box (£30)
1x Sicaran box (£30)
1x Fire Support box (£30)
1x Fire Raptor box (£30)
1x Storm Eagle box (£30)
1x Reaver Titan (£35)
That doesn't use everything from all that; I think you'll have some extra Contemptors, Terminators, Assault Marines & Support marines, and maybe some extra Sicarans and/or Predators depending on how many end up in the box. Also doesn't use all your Auxilia from the starter box nor both Warhounds. That's pretty much what I said of £400 for a reasonably balanced force including transports for your footsloggers, aircraft, a Titan and plenty of tanks and support fires.
The Blood Angels list is almost impossible to cost out as around half the things on there aren't released yet so we don't know how many Drop pods or bikes are in a box. Though the Terminators alone would be £180 (lol) as you need to buy 6 Astartes Infantry boxes to get 12 bases of Terminators, so there surely has to be a Terminator-only box coming.
~£300 got me a 1.5k Astartes list and a 1.5k Solar Auxilia list, though that's because I've got something like 10k of Knights and Titans from AT so the 30% allies is 'free' for me.
I can`t be bothered to look for the full calculation, but the Loyalist list is super cost inefficient, the traitors were a bit better. Of course it`s possible to make super cost optimised list to limit the price, but that`s kind of not the point when one is trying to have fun in the game, instead of trying to penny pinch.
Edit: just the drop pods are 120 gbp if the 30 gbp price will remain (and to be honest, we have no indication that it will be otherwise).