Necromunda The Sump: General hobby venting thread (Beware: old men shouting at clouds)

Great Slaughter book as well as Legion Support & Spartans are not available anymore. In what kind of world do we live in? I wanted to order a few from my local GW store. Jesus!
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Thanks for the reminder. I've set a mid-April calendar reminder on the 6 month anniversary of my Rogue Trader order to begin "Operation Futile Contact".
Rogue Trader arrived yesterday. Mostly annoyed that it took 4 months to deliver an existing product that I would have bought years ago if it weren't geo-locked.
I've been waiting on a pack of the new Old World movement trays from Wayland for weeks now but they can't get stock. Apparently GW are letting all their indie suppliers down with their latest releases.
Another two weeks go by and still no stock. Good job GW.

At this point I'm more interested to find out how long they'll be than I am in the actual product.
Rogue Trader arrived yesterday. Mostly annoyed that it took 4 months to deliver an existing product that I would have bought years ago if it weren't geo-locked.
What notifications did you get that it was being delivered? Did it just show up without warning?

I ordered a copy just before the deadline, so I expect it to be later, but complete radio silence from GW and no confirmation I ever made the order other than a single email doesn't fill me with confidence they'll keep their word that I'll get it.
@Tiny They appear to be available from GW direct, so is this just the usual “Waylaid Games” issue where they let you buy stuff… then they order it from their distributor?

Checked Element Games and they seem to Estimate 1st March when they’ll get some in stock.

Honestly though you’d think GW was a startup with all the stock issues they have - not a multi-million £ company with its own dedicated manufacturing plant and warehouses!! Not including the stuff manufactured in China!!
@Tiny Honestly though you’d think GW was a startup with all the stock issues they have - not a multi-million £ company with its own dedicated manufacturing plant and warehouses!! Not including the stuff manufactured in China!!

Agree. I said something similar on the last page of this thread.

It's just unbelievable how a company like this can be so out of touch, incompetent, and uncaring of their customers.

I'll take my business - and dollars - elsewhere.
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What notifications did you get that it was being delivered? Did it just show up without warning?

I ordered a copy just before the deadline, so I expect it to be later, but complete radio silence from GW and no confirmation I ever made the order other than a single email doesn't fill me with confidence they'll keep their word that I'll get it.
Order placed 10/16/23. Packing slip dated 2/12/24. GW email on 2/13/24. UPS email on 2/15/24. Delivered on 2/16/24.
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Managed to get mine over the weekend. Was rotten with illness so haven't cracked into it yet. Overall worry since I couldn't confirm I'd made the purchase has made me more reluctant to order more stuff from GW than I am already.
I went to the local toy and hobby shop that happens to carry some GW stuff and all the 10-man box sets were $60 US. I can’t justify spending that kind of money with a family. Guess it’s time to find a more affordable alternative. Although from what I’ve seen of other games starter boxes, I don’t know if there is one? At least there’s still trash terrain, right?
@Punktaku a few questions..

One - what kind of game are you looking for? Skirmish, rank & flank, solo?
Two - any particular genre? Fantasy, sci-fi, historical?
Three - what would you consider "affordable", as in cost vs amount of product.

I'm also moving away from the big dollar games and going towards less expensive ones since I retired and have a much smaller hobby budget. I can think of a few very affordable games right off the top of my head.

- Frostgrave/Stargrave. Minis agnostic though if you want the "official" minis they're usually about $20-$30 a box of 10 or 20 figures. Figures are very kitbashable between boxes. You can scratch build or even use paper terrain (as I do). Rulebooks (2nd Ed for Frostgrave) can be found for @$30, try Amazon. TONS of expansions for them. Check North Star Military Figures.
- Gaslands. It's Hot Wheels and Matchbox. $1.25 a car. Kitbash with stuff from your bits box. Scratch build some terrain. And START YOUR ENGINES! Rulebook is @35 off Amazon. Check the Gaslands website.
- Heavy Gear. $125 for a starter with two FULL armies and rulebook (unlike GW starters where you have to buy more to get a full 2K army). @$60 for an army box. Check Dream Pod 9.
- Reign In Hell. Skirmish combat between demon factions in what remains of hell after humans invaded, killed off the BBEGs and sealed it shut forever. Minis agnostic, only 8-10 models needed per side. You can play on WarCry/Kill Team sized boards. Rules on Drivethrurpg and Wargamevault @$12 for a printed, less for PDF. Check Snarling Badger Games.

There's a few more I can think of but that should give you some ideas. Hope this helps.

And sorry everyone for the positivity in the Sump. I promise I'll be sumpy next post.