Necromunda The Sump: General hobby venting thread (Beware: old men shouting at clouds)

New alternate scenario idea; Scavengers, but instead of loot gangs are seeking to claim a bunch of corpses to sell to the Corpse Broker/Grinders/Harvesters/Guild.... Nothing says grim like corpse, corpse, corpse.
I mean, in honesty, "dead ganger" markers would make great Loot Casket markers. If someone has good 3D modeling skills... those might be popular.
I mean, in honesty, "dead ganger" markers would make great Loot Casket markers. If someone has good 3D modeling skills... those might be popular.
Somewhere I have some of these:


Maybe a bit Enforcer-ish. Still, makes the point I guess.

There used to be no end of Guard casualties, we should get a few for Necromunda gangs too!!
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Yeah, I have a couple of the Praetorian XXIV casualties still around as well. One of them appeared in my last Comp entry (I think I can fly), as a courier:

Ever useful, really. Objectives in scenarios. Loot counters. Trap markers. Loot Caskets. Seriously Injured gangers. Terrain visual interest. Dioramas.