The Thrusters


New Member
Mar 24, 2014
La pobla Vallbona, Valencia
Hi guys!

Our old school group has started to play GM, we have several doubts and maybe someone more skilled may solve it, we cant find any information about these doubts the rules out of da roolz, da Uvver or digganoob (maybe FAQ or a completly battle report). Im sure they are so easy for you.

The Thrusters.

If you use the thrusters then it's harder the next time.

The Trukk
Turn one => First time 2+ Second time 3+
Turn two => First time 3+ Second time 4+

Other option, they reset every turn
Every Turn => First time 2+ Second time 3+, .....

Thanks for your Help
It resets each turn - take a look at how bikes work on page 33 of Da Roolz:
Bikes are lighter and accelerate more quickly. Therefore bikes do not have to take a Thrust test for the first thrust move they make each turn, instead they fail their 2nd test on a roll of 1, their 3rd on a 1 or a 2, and so on.

It took me a bit of hunting to be sure though so I'll definitely add it to the FAQ!
We guessed this... but we not sure completely because the main rules explanation are not exact. We looked to in motorbike description too.
I like more with the reset, make the game faster and funny.

Thank you.:)