Tiny's Stuff - Necromunda, Gorkamorka, 40k etc.


Hive Lord
Yak Comp 1st Place
Tribe Council
Jul 12, 2011
South Wales, UK
Hi all,

Long time lurker, first time poster and all that.

After running a Necro campaign for a few months about 2 years ago, my gaming group kinda got bored with it and (unfortunately) ended up playing some MTG for a while.

In an effort to get them all playing again, I have decided to break out all of our Necro terrain and give it a massive overhaul over the next few months. Most of the scenery we have was built and painted quickly over about a month to facilitate gaming but it's long overdue for some updating. I find it a bit too bright for the murky depths of the underhive so will be taking inspiration from some of the great terrain logs on the net, especially Bruticus' stuff and Neil101's Yggdrasilium table. As primary terrain maker for our group it means I'm gonna be busy.

Anyway, as a starter, here are some pics from our last campaign to see where we're starting from.

First up my very own Goliath gang (some may be familiar with these from my failed attempt at a log on Warseer a while back):


Leader and two shooty Gangers with Bolters.


Two Specialists with Flamer and Grenade Launcher


More shooty gangers


Two Heavies with Heavy Stubber and Heavy Bolter


Some basically armed combat gangers (either starting gangers or juves who levelled up)


Some more experienced and well armed combat gangers


The juves (yeah, I like autopistols)


I will be back sometime soon with pics from some of last campaign's games so you can see our terrain setup. provided I can track down the pics.
Nice work! Like the combat guy with a missing tooth and eye :)

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The detail on the faces are top notch, especially with the more experienced gangers. I like the terrain, too, from what I can see, and if that is your standard for rough and ready stuff, pieces that you rework should be a treat. Hope to see a lot more!

Love the long-haird juve; I can imagine all the others taking the mick out of him for being 'pretty' or 'girly' and as a consequence he grows into a violent beast who outlives them all...
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Where did you get the tiny pallets? Thats great scenery stuff. The paintwork is very nice too btw, love the stubble on the chins :D
Really loving this group, I'm working on Goliaths at the moment myself and seeing these guys really makes me want to get them wrapped up. Also I'll second Tulkas with the tiny pallets and for a rush job on terrain it looks great! Looking forward to seeing more.
This colelction is fantastic. I now have an aim for what I want my goliaths to look like

Also my fav has to be the dreadlocked/long haired ganger, looks terrifying
Thank you all for your kind words.

@AndyT81 & CardyFreak

Yeah, that guy with the scars is one of my faves. He was called Butterbean in our last campaign and started as a juve. He was an absolute joke. The only stat increases he ever managed was +1WS and some points of LD, he racked up so many injuries but had a couple of good skills so was great for throwing men off bridges and general annoyance. He was thrown into the fight with reckless abandon in every game and finally met his end at the hands of a Cawdor ganger with ws6 and a chainsword by the name of Little Eric.


That long haired guy did indeed become an absolute monster in our last campaign. WS6 BS5 W2 bolt pistol, power sword and caused fear by the end.


The pallets are these:


I got them from eBay if I remember correctly. A bag of 100 for not a lot of money.

Found a few pics on my phone from a previous game so you can see what I'm working with. Looking back, there's not a lot wrong with it, just needs some repairs from storage damage, a better (more grungy) paint job and some of the longer walkways could do with a bit of strengthening. Might make some more bits while I'm there to get it a little more crowded and replace some of the cardboard boxes (as seen at very front of 1st pic) which are just printed cardstock. The table surface needs work too as somebody decided it would look better as a grassy field since these pics.

All of the little pieces like barrels and pallets are loose (or at best glued in groups of 3 or 4), which is a real pain to set up and put away after a game. May look into doing something about that too. Any suggestions?

Finally I'm going to need to make loot counters. They were something I never got round to so we ended up using little white plastic skulls which you may be able to see dotted about the place in the pics.





This is incredible. What a sweet table. Seems like more 'n more of these are popping up nowadays. And here I am thinking I'm looking 'ard with my Malifaux. *cringes*.

Thanks for the link to the pallets too, seeing them spread out across your table like that is really cool, it just brings life into a table. If you have an address for barrels (preferably loads for cheap) then I'm all ears too.
holy moly! yeah I really need to get a bigger place so I can store scenery, then I'll be hitting up this and so many other threads for cool table ideas! I love the multiple use of risers, they really add a nice dynamic to the board!
This is incredible. What a sweet table. Seems like more 'n more of these are popping up nowadays. And here I am thinking I'm looking 'ard with my Malifaux. *cringes*.

Thanks for the link to the pallets too, seeing them spread out across your table like that is really cool, it just brings life into a table. If you have an address for barrels (preferably loads for cheap) then I'm all ears too.

Thanks. Nothing wrong with Malifaux. Been buying up all the new Neverborn stuff recently and trying to beat some friends and family into playing. Played a little 1.5 but not played any 2.0 yet.

The barrels I cast myself from resin. Was going to sell them but they're a bit on the bubbly side so will put that off until vacuum equipment arrives (been trying to save up to get it for ages though but always something to spend money on instead).

holy moly! yeah I really need to get a bigger place so I can store scenery, then I'll be hitting up this and so many other threads for cool table ideas! I love the multiple use of risers, they really add a nice dynamic to the board!

Thanks. It does help to have a goodly sized loft to store it all. It does take a beating being moved about in boxes all the time though.

... tho I reckon with all the pallets and tires, I'd need a few scale front loaders over the place too.

Yeah, I've been eyeing up one of these for ages but can't really justify the cost for such a small piece of scenery. May have to build my own.
That's a wonderful table to play on! It all looks very solid, too, which I like. Would you mind telling the height and width of those bulkheads? I don't have any myself, and am thinking about rigging something up when I can.

My home suffers greatly for storage; having it is a real boon.

Pellets are quite easy to make, I've seen a few tutorials on ATZ themed blogs. I can put the link if people want them, I just didn't know how that sat, here?
That's a wonderful table to play on! It all looks very solid, too, which I like. Would you mind telling the height and width of those bulkheads? I don't have any myself, and am thinking about rigging something up when I can.

Thank you.

I don't own any of the genuine necromunda bulkheads. The only thing similar I have are GW city panels and some I made myself. The ones I made can be seen on the green tower at the front of 1st pic and are w 85mm h 78mm.
True, it's probably very easy to make your own pallets. Then again, by the time I write this, I could have also bought 50 of them off ebay, for under a tenner including postage. I'll save up the tenner.
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You mean you don't want months of fun, and the klepto-thrill of stealing bundles of wooden stirrers from over-priced coffee shops? To each his own, my friend, to each his own...
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Took some pics of some Scavvies I've been working on now and again over the last few weeks. Nowhere near a full gang yet but just can't help myself.

Sick boy

Four Eyes

Bill and Ted

Also finished some of my first test pieces for the new improved table:



Probably going to work on this next. The first piece of Necro terrain I ever made and one I spent a lot of time on, therefore itt doesn't need loads of work but up close the rust looks very "sponged on". Will probably add some weathering pigments and oil washes and call it done.
