I have written a mini game for during the post battle sequence. I would appreciate some opinions of the rules. Does anything need fixing?
Post battle duelling game
The greatest of all duellists was ‘Unlucky' Duradilli. Not famed for his good looks (as some are) or for his elegant swordsmanship (as others are). But for his amazing luck. He did not fear death, for it was upon him anyway, which freed his will from doubt or hesitation. Slug slime had laid their eggs in his brain and he sought to earn as much credit for those he left behind as he could before his skull popped. Even being sponsored to die in front of the crowds. But surviving round after round of Orlock Roulette, he eventually failed to earn his sponsorship bonus. Known to be the luckiest, and also unluckiest, professional duellist the Hive had ever seen.
The duel is part of the post battle sequence at Tribemeet Germany 2024 and is to be played after the serious injuries and income are resolved but before rare trade goods are rolled for. Choose a miniature to represent your duellist, preferably armed with a pistol and/or sword. A starting duellist has the characteristics of a ganger and are armed with a sword and a S3 pistol with no To Hit modifiers. Roll a d6 to find out which of the three scenarios that will be played.
1 or 2 sword fight
3 or 4 pistols on green
5 both players roll a dice and the highest chooses the scenario
6 Orlock Roulette
Sword fight
The duellists will have a close combat fight using a single sword each (they do NOT get an extra attack for fighting with an extra knife or pistol). Place the duellists on their starting positions. The character that has the largest Move plus bonuses counts as charging. Once the charger has been determined place them in base contact in the centre of the duelling area
Example 1: duellist A has a leg injury and moves 3” and horrible scars, but duellist B has a starting move of 4”. Duellist B counts as charging if they pass their fear test.
Example 2: duellist C has move 4 and the sprint skill therefore can move 12”. Duellist D has move 4 and the leap skill, therefore counts as charging if they roll 5 or 6 for their leap skill.
Unlike regular close combat, it is not permitted to finish a defeated opponent so if one duellist is Downed the combat ends and the standing duellist wins without putting them out of action.
The winning duellist earns enough experience points to gain their next advancement and the player should mark down the win. If the losing duellist was taken Out Of Action then they must roll an injury on the injury chart (counting the captured result as a full recovery). If they were Downed they automatically recover.
Shoot on Green.
In this scenario the duellists will attempt to shoot each other, only being allowed a single shot at a time in their pistol. Place the duellists on their starting positions.
- Each player decides if their duellist will attempt to shoot first (add 1 to the result of shooting first) or take a moment to aim their shot (add 1 the To Hit roll).
- Both players then roll a dice and add their Initiative (and add 1 if they chose to try to shoot fastest).
- The player with the highest score will then roll to shoot their opponent. If the opponent is still able they will then shoot back. (Adding 1 to their To Hit roll if they chose to aim). If both rolled the same for the previous step then they both get to make simultaneous shots.
- If one duellist is taken Out Of Action then the game is over and the duellist still standing is the winner. If a duellist is Downed they get one chance to roll for Recovery. If they don’t stand up the game ends and the standing duellist wins. If neither are standing then both lose.
- If both duellists are standing, then they reload their pistols and a new round begins.
*a note on Pinning: neither can become pinned, but if a duellist has a skill allowing them to ignore Pinning they get to add one to their roll to shoot first to represent their calmness.
The winning duellist earns enough experience points to gain their next advancement and the player should mark down the win. If the losing duellist was taken Out Of Action then they must roll an injury on the injury chart (counting the captured result as a full recovery). If they were Downed they automatically recover.
Orlock Roulette
Basically suicide turned into profit. Two opponents take turns to take the stubgun from the table, point it to their own head and pull the trigger. The loser is the one who pulls the trigger on the one loaded chamber.
Place the duellists 4” away from one another. Both players roll a dice each. The highest score goes first.
- That player must roll a leadership test.
- If they pass then roll to Spin the Chamber. The roll represents which chamber the round is in.
- Now roll a dice to see which chamber is selected. If the result is the same as the previous dice roll, then the duellist has just shot themselves in the head, go Out Of Action and their opponent wins.
- If they fail the Leadership test then they refuse to pull the trigger. The other duellist takes their turn.
Each takes their turn until either:
- One duellist shoots themselves, declaring the surviving duellist the winner.
- One duellist fails their Leadership test and the other succeeds without shooting themselves. The one who passed the Leadership test is the winner.
If the winner didn’t pass their last Leadership roll then the player marks the win but no experience. If they passed their last Leadership test the player marks the win and the duellist gains enough experience points to gain their next advancement. If the losing duellist went Out Of Action then roll on this special injury chart:
1 To 5 - Dead
6 – roll again
1 to 5 - they suffer from stupidity
6 – horrible scars, plus they gain enough experience points to gain their next advancement.