Excellent, excellent...
A few more details which might be helpful:
Good stuff:
• I have a chemzone mat, shedloads old skool card terrain, and enough random tat to make a 4' by 4' table so densely covered in towers & junk that it's impossible to reach any of your miniatures in. Sadly not everything is painted beautifully, but it looks pretty good when set up. There is almost certainly enough to also cover a 3' by 3', so there is no requirement for either of you to bring bulky terrain stuff unless you really want to.
• I also have a full set of N17 tiles (including badzone) which would work better on the kitchen table (permission pending).
• I can provide rulers, tape-measures, note pads & pens, dice, snacks, tea bags, coffee and - free time on thurday/friday evening permitting - home bakes!
• We have at our disposal a chinese, indian, turkish, pizzaria and good ol' fish & chip shop in the town centre (1.5 miles from the house). The BrewDog brewery is about a mile away in the opposite direction.
• There is a heater in the garage (Scotland, after all) so you are unlikely to die of exposure.
• The garage is inhabited by many friendly and playful spiders that love to play classic games such as "slowly descend from the rafters then leap onto your face" and also "run really fast at you and try and climb up your trouser legs". Oh how you'll laugh at their jolly japes.
Bad stuff:
• I have no ash wastes/desert "outside" type terrain if we do the race stuff.
• I do not own a printer (for rosters etc).
• The wi-fi does not reach the garage at the moment - but there is a decent 4G signal, and somewhere I have a 15 metre network cable and wireless access point. Time will tell whether I'm able to find these and get something working.
• Not all of the spiders in the garage are friendly.
• I have to tidy the garage and evict as many spiders as possible.