Day 2:
With the dust storms becoming a barrage and the surface radiation levels rising, the Gangs duck below the dunes into the sprawling under city...
Attracted by a pretty glowing light in the darkness, doxies free cyborgs get jumped from both sides. Seeing the Guilder again sends the group into a rage but they get fought back, not before taking the hapless bait plasma gunner!
Storing their ammo while the rest of the team search for new spore sites, number 11 and his subordinates get distracted by the friendly tunnel scum Dirty Ned. Bearing the gift of a captured troll, the servitors forget their primary objective and go to town water boarding the little mutant!
Misinterpreting it’s screams as a maiden in distress, the wreckers send a fighter to quickly steal some ammo while the rest investigate! A firefight breaks out and there is a struggle until the pit fighters discover the source of the screams. They attempt to put it out of its misery before getting enveloped by the the returning team 9, only just escaping.
Successfully returning with wild mushrooms and mineral spores, team 9 get to work processing the harvest. The Hawks, sensing an easy prey, sneak up on the busy servitors ready to pounce! All they need to do is get someone past to reverse the vats and all the captains labours would have been for nothing, teaching him that only the guild have the right to new products!
The ambush almost works but Dirty Ned shows up just in time and gets behind the van Saar line! The hawks send biggle ahead, hoping he would be too small to notice, but Disaster strikes and the Hawks leader and heavy both get killed in the resultant crossfire!
Smelling blood and forming an unlikely truce, the wreckers and team 9 head straight for the Guilder storehouse, knowing that it would be unguarded wile the Hawks lamented their dead!
What both groups didn’t anticipate is the guild sanctioned killing machine on sentry standby!
Turning a corner, a group of servitors led by Ned, are faced with an Ed-Stoof-209 affectionately known as a lil revie!
Ned instinctly runs for cover and takes a chunk out of the mechanical nightmare, the rest of the group aren’t so lucky, one servitor exploding in a direct missile strike!
In the storeroom the captain comes face to face with his ally, and promptly opens fire! A well thrown grenade takes the captain and his heavy out of the fight, but not before Doxie falls to a shotgun blast.
Hearing the explosions and feeling the ground shake as the robot enters the room, the captain sounds the retreat.
The Pitslaves then grab as much as they can as revie trains it’s weapons on them
Biggle, who led the slaves there, and two fighters charge! Biggle tells them how best to fight it but gets kicked across the room by a giant metal foot!
The nightmare sets of it auto launchers but the close combat experts are unfazed and use their altered body weapons to maximum effect! The machine eventually falling to a mining drill!
The Pitslaves load up and head off, the guild aren’t going to be happy about this one!