TribeMeet South 2018 (Yakday)


Bearer of The Urn
Yak Comp 1st Place
Apr 6, 2017
For those that really want to go to Yakday but can’t make it to Scotland because it’s just too darn far away, potentially, if there is enough interest, there will be a twin Yakday weekend down in Peterborough.

The last couple of these events have been utterly fantastic and there’s no reason why this one can’t be equally epic. @CaptainDangerous and I will be working together on a joint campaign that promises to be the most ambitious (and bonkers) yet!

The theme of this Meet will be...Into the Wastelands!
A weekend of NCE Necromunda with all the guzalene fuelled vehicles from GorkaMorka! And version 3.0 of the THUNDERCUBE!!!

Any comments, suggestions or well wishes are most welcome! :)

Many Thanks *Yak Salute*

Date: 8 - 9th Sept 18


MAJOR UPDATE (from @radulykan)

Due to real life constantly throwing spanners in the wonderous works of @MancInventor and also the fall in numbers meaning the Peterborough Marriott hotel conference room has become impractical due to the cost, the Marriott version of Yakday is dead. Luckily I have managed to secure a similar sized room for a much reduced price, so LONG LIVE YAKDAY! however the room is in a different hotel. in a different town. :O
The Holiday Inn Express in Northampton, Loake Close Grange Park , Northampton, NN4 5EZ to be exact, is the new location for this Yakday, still being held on Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of September. Its on the M1 at junction 15 so its easy to get to. Due to some serious wrangling and a family member bending over backwards to help i have managed to get the room for £50 per day which is a significant decrease compared with the Marriott's £275 per day.
Sorry for the bombshell of moving hotels at this late stage but it really was this or cancel the whole thing.
what are peoples thoughts on this? going to need some quickish confirmations to make it work so answers asap


Places: Up to 30 (each day).
Price: PM @radulykan for details (significantly less than originally advertised)
Time: 10:00 - 21:00

Code of Conduct:
-Respect the enemy crushed under your boot
-Bask in the reflected glory of your conqueror
-The dice gods are fickle, do not get upset when their plans manifest against you
-Violence, threats, or insulting language belong in the hive, not in the room
-Any rules conflicts will be decided by arbitrators
-Arbitrator decisions are final

TribeMeet T-shirts and Yak Merch:

Join the Yakmarines today, do you want to know more...

(Organising proper will begin in Soon but if you just state your interest for now I can get a good idea of thevenue we need to look for!)
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Ash wastes Vehicle Rules:


Gangs start with 1000 creds. Generate the gang using the normal rules. In addition, gangs start with a truck and 300 creds worth of scrap which can be used to purchase (or craft) vehicles with.

Each member of the gang must have access to a ride, either by driving, co-driving, riding as a passenger or riding a beast.
i.e. a gang with 10 members, has 1 truck - the truck carries a driver, co-driver and 5 passengers - the gang must purchase at least enough transport for the remaining 3 members (but may purchase more if you wish).


All gangs have one truck for free. Additional trucks cost 150 creds each.

Trucks have a minimum of 4 wheels and a maximum of 6, 2 seats in the cab and an open deck on the back. Trucks have a mounting rail for heavy/special weapons at the front of the passenger compartment. The gang’s heavy can mount or dismount his heavy weapon to the rail during the game. The truck is open topped and carries the driver, a co-driver and up to 5 passengers in the back. The truck must look like in can carry those passengers (even if the models can’t physically fit because of bases etc.

Single seater: 100 creds
2 seater: 125 creds
  • Single Seater- Single seater buggy has a minimum of 3 wheels and a maximum of 4 with 1 seat. The vehicle can be fitted with a pair of basic weapons (twin linked) at a cost of 2 and a half times the cost of the basic weapon. This weapon is fixed and cannot be removed.
  • 2 Seater– A 2 seater is exactly like the single seater but also includes a passenger seat with a mounting rail to allow the gang’s heavy to mount his weapon on as per the rules for the truck.
75 creds.
Bikes have a minimum of 1 wheel and a maximum of 3. The bike can be fitted with a basic weapons at a cost of 2 times the cost of the weapon. Note, a bike with a sidecar counts as a 2 seater buggy in all respects. (Including cost!)

200 creds.
A crawler is an armoured tracked vehicle that can carry up to 10 models. It is open topped with a seat for the driver and a gunner, and a transport deck in the rear. There are further options for a crawler:
  • Additional armour: 50 creds
The vehicle has an additional point of armour in all locations.
  • Fixed weapon: varies
The vehicle may be fitted with a permanent special or heavy weapon at a cost of 2 times the heavy weapon cost. This weapon cannot be removed once fitted. The co-driver may fire the fixed weapon. Any member of the gang with an initiative of 3 or more may be the co-driver.
  • Cloth canopy: 25 creds
The cloth canopy gives all passengers in the transport deck a 6+ invulnerable save if they are hit from shooting.
  • Armoured canopy: 50 creds.
The armoured canopy gives all passengers in the transport deck a 5+ invulnerable save if they are hit from shooting.

Dog fighter: 150
Gun platform: 175
Transport: 225

Skimmers are lightly armoured hovering vehicles. They have a faster speed range but are likely to be destroyed if they crash.
  • Dog fighter:
A dog fighter is a single seater skimmer that can be fitted with a pair of basic weapons (twin linked) at a cost of 2 and a half times the basic weapon cost. The skimmer is open topped and roughly the size of a bike.
  • Gun platform:
As per the dogfighter with the following exceptions:
The gun platform is roughly the size of a buggy
The gun platform has a passenger seat with a mounting rail which can be used by a heavy to mount his/her heavy/special weapon on.
  • Transport:
The transport is roughly the size of a truck and counts as a flying truck in all respects with the exception that it is significantly easier to shoot from a fast moving skimmer hovering steadily above the ground than a truck bouncing over the terrain, the -1 penalty for shooting is ignored for skimmer transports.

Beasties are purchased exactly as per the beasties ash wastes rules already in the vault. Note, although technically not vehicles, scrap can be used to purchase beasties (beast-herds do love a bit of scrap).

Beast rider rules:
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Reactions: Scavvierising

Saturday 8th:
1: MancInventor
2: YakSam
3: Radulykan
4: Tiny (negotiating with the governess)
5: Sumpdweller
6: Scavvie Rising
7: Spafe (Maybe)
8: Darknws(maybe)
9: Eidelweiss (negotiating with the paymasters (work))
10: Resmire (negotiating with the paymasters (work))
11: horuswaspretty (tentative)
12: ClockworkOrange (dependent on the timely arrival of Clockwork Jnr)
13: Ardavion (if not doing Scotland)
14: NedNoodle (tentative, slightly, possibly, maybe)
15: Clockwork’s +1
16: Clockwork’s +2

Sunday 9th
1: MancInventor
2: YakSam
3: Radulykan
4: Tiny (negotiating with the governess)
5: Sumpdweller
6: Scavvie Rising
7: Spafe (Maybe)
8: Darknws(maybe)
9: Eidelweiss (negotiating with the paymasters (work))
10: Resmire (negotiating with the paymasters (work))
11: horuswaspretty (tentative)
12: ClockworkOrange (dependent on the timely arrival of Clockwork Jnr)
13: Ardavion (if not doing Scotland)
14: NedNoodle (tentative, slightly, possibly, maybe)
15: Clockwork’s +1
16: Clockwork’s +2
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Is this going to be the most southern Yakday this year? I thought there was one in London last year.
Darn I’m in, the cold and dangerous North is just so far away.....

I take offense! 100% of my surviving friends* have not been killed to death by roaming bands of neds coked up on deep fried mars-bars and buckfast. And what's a few stab wounds and couple of bite marks between pals anyway?

It is cold though.

Best of luck chaps!

(*representative sample of 12 friends and family)
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