Tribemeet UK 2020 (2021) - Event Details

Tribemeet2020 is an official go Yakkers!!!! 11th & 12th September 2021!

“It's coming home
It's coming home
It's coming
Tribemeet’s coming home (we'll go rolling bad results)

It's coming home
It's coming home
It's coming
Tribemeet’s coming home

It's coming home
It's coming home
It's coming
Tribemeet’s coming home

It's coming home
It's coming home
It's coming
Tribemeet’s coming home

Everyone seems to know the War
They've seen it all before
They just know
They're so sure

That Games Workshop’s gonna throw it away
Gonna blow it away
But I know they can play
'Cause I remember

Three Scavies with no shirt
Mighty Malo still gleaming
Thirty years of hurt
Never stopped me dreaming

So many books, so many rules
But all those oh-so-nears
Wear you down
Through the years

But I still see that Scrabble by Cawdor
And when Orlocks roared
Goliath hitting the wall
And Escher Dancing…

Talk about tribemeet coming home,
And then in Fury’s Rest do-o-o-ome,
With no food, zombies roamed.

But now I see gangs ready for war, it was good as before, bodies shall hit the floor.

And spyrers screaming”
Not seen this anywhere for the event, not sure if it's needed, not sure if this is the right thread:

Is there any requirement for covid passports, given its a gathering and so on? Got both jabs, but don't have the phone app so will need to get a note from my GP if a passport is needed.
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The current Covid guidelines with regards to TribeMeet are as follows:
  • No limits on how many people can meet, as per government guidelines.
  • 1m-plus guidance has been removed as per government guidelines. However, we recommend respecting the personal space of attendees. Please don't go around hugging & licking each other, or fondling each other's models, without consent. We should have no problem maintaining at least 1m distance at the venue and recommend it.
  • Face coverings are no longer required by law, although the government still "expects and recommends" them in crowded and enclosed spaces. This will be the personal choice of attendees.
  • We recommend sanitising your hands before and after games, as the tables will each be used by multiple players throughout the weekend.
  • There is no requirement for a Covid Passport or negative test certificates.
  • If you feel unwell with Covid-ish symptoms we respectfully request that you do not attend the event.
Thank you all for your understanding!
Okay time to start thinking when will people be arriving in or around Newark. I plan to be heading over on the Friday arriving before 3pm, I will be in the van as I am bringing my board, I am available to help setting up, as I am staying down the road on a private campsite (parents drive) 🤣
I should also be there at around 3ish, assuming traffic isn't too bad. Will need to go check into the hotel (assuming I remember to book one. Been holding off in case Covid restrictions change at last minute) and then will be free to set up.

Is there any restriction on time we can be there to set up? Last Tribemeet we set up late into the evening but were in a hotel instead of the showground.
I’ll confirm but we should have the venue from 17:00 (maybe earlier) on Friday to “set up” I’ll be aiming on getting the keys and being there to welcome you although this depends on @MancInventor ‘s timekeeping him and @Yaksam are staying at Troll towers and he was 6 hours late last Tribemeet…..
Anyone arriving REALLY early can always pop to the Air Museum (next right from A46 direction, previous left from A17) if they fancy it: the just under £10 entry price is best paid for the whole day TBH, not a couple of hours. Unfortunately the shop isn't open this weekend and it's cash-only on Sunday due to staff shortages. I'll be volunteering at the Museum Saturday and Sunday (no point going all the way home after dropping Matt off) so if anyone wants a guided tour, let me know. Details:
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