Half-Price Crazies - End of Day 1.
Gor Half-Price Horn - Leader
They tell him he's in charge, but he hasn't done anything to earn it - close combat specialist, specialising in being pinned and downed before reaching close combat.
Thought for the day: "Why do they shoot back? It's unsporting!"
Thungg - (Very) Heavy
His heavy stubber's fire select is stuck on FULL SEND. A maestro as passing four ammo rolls in a row when unleashing a full six-shot spread from Lil' Suzie.
Thought for the day: "It's only still twitching because you're still putting bullets into it!"
Collum Strocken aka The Slug - Ganger
Spends more time on his face than on his feet. Slithering is his preferred mode of movement.
Thought for the day: "And schloop..." *donk, ow*. "And schloop..." *donk, ow* (makes way down four floors of tower by crawling off the edges)
Loritta Forscale - Ganger
Strength and Toughness of 4, sketchy attendance record.
Thought for the day: "Aaand... Loritta's not coming." (OBW)
Sigrid - Ganger
What he lacks in Ballistic Skill, he makes up for in enthusiasm!
Thought for the day: "Wait, plasma guns have a
low power setting? Why would anyone use that?"
Arnis - Ganger aka Arnis Spyre-Bane, first of his name, Lord of the Manstopper.
Thought for the day: "This is my shotgun. There are many others like it, but this one KILLED A MOTHER*bleeeep*ING SPYRER!"
Bonnie - Ganger
Totally carrying the gang. Slightly resents the idiots around her.
Thought for the day: "So we need to destroy the water still, and get away? A'ight." *aims bolt pistol at extreme range... *BLAMF**... *KAPOW*. "And we just have to leave now, yeah?"
Box-O - Juve
Thought for the day: "It's just a box."
Yolanda - Juve
Catastrophically bad at being a bullet magnet, shot Bonnie in the back of the head by accident. Will never be allowed to live it down.
Thought for the day: "Hah! Once again I have ended up fully concealed, whilst Bonnie is exposed! That's right isn't it?"
Whack-Job - Pit Fighter
One day he'll make it into close combat in a game. One day.
Thought for the day: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh... And we've bottled."
RATING: 1591 after six games.