UPDATE 21/11/18
Hi Guys,
Just to talk about none-spaceship related stuff......
Hopefully all the Tribemeet backers are subscribed to this thread, if you know someone that isn’t, please point them in this direction.
Just a little insight into what is going to be happening early December when the campaign finishes.
First off, Kickstarter will take the pledges from your bank and place the funds in our charge (minus their handling fees). Within a week of this happening, a member of the team will be in touch to confirm exactly what you ordered, your postal address, T shirt sizes etc.
We will immediately send out the orders for the custom dice - they take 30 days, but could be longer because of Christmas. At the same time the campaign booklet will be sent to print, again 30 days is the turn around (a digital pdf copy will be sent to all ticket pledgers so that you can immediately start assemble your gang and any vehicles). Any T-shirt’s will be ordered, although these take less than 30 days (who knew?). All prizes will be purchased/delivered as soon as the campaign ends and any “proceeds” will be used to purchase terrain for this and future tribe-meet/ Yakday events. Normal turn around for this, but it will (on delivery) then be frantically painted by the team ready for use in the event.
Every penny spent will be accounted for, I will produce a spreadsheet and upload it to the vault for 100% transparency. All monies will go towards the running of the event and the good and benefit of the tribe. Rest assured, no-one is profiteering here; even the event organisers have purchased their tickets through kickstarter!
We expect to be shipping your items, tickets, etc in early February from the UK. If you are overseas but attending then we will keep hold of it for you and give it to you on the day to save you a bit of cash.
All updates will be posted via this thread so stay tuned. If you have any queries or concerns please post here or pm me or one of the team
@radulykan @spafe @ClockworkOrange @Stoof if you would prefer not to discuss them publicly.
On campaign completion I will start a competition thread. The competition will be named “if you build it, they can come”. Details will be published in the thread, but essentially we want you to undertake a project starting from the end of the campaign and finishing on Tribemeet. It can be anything as long as you can use it on the day and the winner will be selected by votes on the competition thread. It can be a bit of terrain, an ash wastes vehicle, a new gang or even a scenario that fits the campaign fluff, as long as it can be used during Tribemeet! Voting will open on the Saturday morning closing at tea-time on Sunday for a live prize giving! Stay tuned, I will post a link to the competition thread on these pages.
On a final note, it’s not too late to get yourself a T shirt or some cool Yak dice, head to the kickstarter page and make a pledge (or amend your existing pledge to the correct amount!). These cool items may not be available again for a considerable time........(probably until the next Tribemeet campaign).
Also, if you are a Necromunda hobby related business and you would like to support the event, please get in touch and we can discuss the possibilities!
Thanks for funding Tribemeet 2019 and we look forward to seeing you there next year.