Suggestion Underhive card print layout change test


YakTribe Mechanicum
Staff member
Yak Founder
Feb 17, 2011
York, PA, USA
The card layouts were designed to match the GW cards that came with the game and have always had issues when a fighter has lots of weapons or the weapon as lots of traits etc.

I'd like to change the default print card layout to a larger card to support more content, with an option in the Print Options dropdown to use the legacy card layout to support standard card sizes. The new layout still has a fixed size but is wider and higher. I don't think a variable height works as the concept of cards is that they're all the same size and useful for randomly picking fighters and other uses.

To test your gangs with this new layout, view your Gang Cards page then on the URL add &w=1

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I like those, more space is better for complicated weapons or experienced fighters, obviously.

I do print on the A4 paperformat. With the old layout, 4 cards fit on a landscape paper. (Printing straight from Firefox or Chrome)
The new format only allows 1 card in landscape, and 2 cards in portrait orientation.
Maybe it's worth to ask the users of the US format(s) as well)

By grindering the margin around the boxes and reducing the height of each card a little, one could squeeze a third card onto the portrait paper.
When printing and cutting, the margin only adds an additional cut to do anyways, so I'd happily see the margin gone. Not sure if anyone uses the cards onscreen where the margin offers visual benefits.

Nowadays printing is readily available and cheap, so maybe I am trying to optimize a nonexistent problem. But the trees!
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Be good to not have excessive weapons cut off.

I usually print my cards so they all fit on one page, so each card can get quite small when gangs start to bloat.
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I've made some adjustments. Slightly wider, slightly shorter and no margin. Barring some browser differences, on A4 and Letter it should fit 3 cards portrait without scaling.

Also removed the border radius, not sure if that's still something we want by default? Nice to have curved corners or not?
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I like the rounded corners. Looks a bit neat and helps to not have the corners get all crumply.

Other than that: Lovely!

Edith: @Malo Checked it now from the computer, works like a charm.
Regardless of rounded corners yes/no: Some border/cutting marks probably are needed so that the cards are actually the same size in the end. ✂️
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It seems it was solved in the meantime (just checked as I am writing this post)

What I originally meant:
After printing the sheets need to be cut down into cards. For this, some kind of border to cut along is helpful. The last iteration I saw (back then) of the new layout didn't have any borders around the individual cards.
I think this was after you removed the rounded corners.

Right now the corners are back, and therefore the border lines to cut along.
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I definitely do like the new version more than the old one. My only "critique" would be that the old version feels more space efficient, and on mobile at least, was easier to scroll through. So, I think that for desktop, the new version is definitely the way to go, but mobile should keep the old layout if possible.
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I definitely do like the new version more than the old one. My only "critique" would be that the old version feels more space efficient, and on mobile at least, was easier to scroll through. So, I think that for desktop, the new version is definitely the way to go, but mobile should keep the old layout if possible.
The card layouts were designed primarily for printouts rather than use in-game on mobile. I can see why people would use them on mobile though. There will be an option to use the old layout, which I'd prefer to do rather than mobile detection.
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We recently used the new cards and to be honest, it was a good idea but didn't work well in practice. The cards no longer print 4 to a landscape A4 page so we had to increase scale to get 3 on a page in landscape. Can you add the function to allow the old system as well so we can print 4 to a page?
Not sure if @Matt Spencer & @Dawn Hazle have already told you.
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We recently used the new cards and to be honest, it was a good idea but didn't work well in practice. The cards no longer print 4 to a landscape A4 page so we had to increase scale to get 3 on a page in landscape. Can you add the function to allow the old system as well so we can print 4 to a page?
Not sure if @Matt Spencer & @Dawn Hazle have already told you.
Thanks for the feedback. I designed them to print 3 to a portrait page. I could try 4 to a landscape page and see if they're still wide enough to allow for all content, that would be more efficient.

As far as the old system, I haven't changed the default card print yet, only provided the parameter for testing.
I'm a bit late to the party, sorry, but one difference between the old layout and the GW layout is that the official cards don't include the stat lines for grenades. That would help cut down on text, and possibly autosizing text if the list of equipment or traits gets overly long would do for me.

As for getting 4 to a landscape page, that might depend on margin sizes; there looks to be an awful lot of free space around and between the cards when I print them landscape on A4.
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Old thread I know, but thought best here maybe rather than a new post.
A layout in the correct ratio for the standard A class of paper, which is 1:1.414

This would allow multple to fit on a page of A4 perfectly without any wasted space.
I myself print 2 on a piece of A6, then cutting the piece in half to make two cards similar in size to origizinal Necromunda cards.

Origincal necromunda cards are close to, but not the same as A7.
So in the current solution, each card ends up with unused space at the bottom.

Also, in the current solution, as the cards are slightly shorter (propotionatly) to A7, when printing 2 per A6 sheet, they line up from the top, making it need multiple cuts if I did want to split them nicely, or have every other card larger. To avoid this, I first print out to PDF as a one card per page output, then print to paper/card as a two pages per page. Though still not an idea workflow.