Update Underhive Tools Development

When my books arrive. Apparently it takes 10 days to get from Tennessee to Pennsylvania. They must have opted for the horse n' cart fedex option.

Thanks a lot, just eager to look att different builds and no easier way to do that than with the tools here :)
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I've gained access to @The Castle WD and have entered the new Delaque into the tools. Upon entering, I've realized that these Delaque rules aren't compatible and require either the compendium or the errata so I'm hesitant to put them live. I don't know when this apparent errata will be available?
@Malo: I'm putting together a new spreadsheet with pretty much everything, if you are interested.
For the moment, I've got all the weapon profiles and costs from the new Gangs of the Underhive Armoury, Trading post and HWLs. I still need to add Dramatis Personae specific weapons and prices for both GSC and Chaos cults (but you should already have those as they were free pdf and are not reprinted in the new books).
I also plan to add fighter profiles/hiring costs and skillset availability later (but those shouldn't have changed either)

Full disclosure: nothing have been proof-read yet so there may be a few clerical errors (yep, found one already, the reclaimed autopistol is definitely not D4... >_> Will fix that tonight)
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I'm putting together a new spreadsheet with pretty much everything, if you are interested.
Yes that will be very helpful, thank you. It would be perfect if changes are highlighted :) I won't ask for the moon though.

The problem comes back to forking YakTribe. Without a conversion document for gang wars owners, if I make sweeping changes in the tools for the compendium version, it's no longer compatible. I'm forcing players into the new version that they don't necessarily have references for.
Yes that will be very helpful, thank you. It would be perfect if changes are highlighted
Depending on what qualifies as a change, I would have to highlight a lot of stuff. For instance, since the Pistol trait has been renamed Sidearm, all non-template Pistols have been changed. Every weapon to which the Silent trait has been added has also been changed. All Toxin weapon have been changed as they are now Str —. Plus a lot of corrections/clarifications (from the top of my head: Gun skull, reclaimed autopistol, Maul, Ambot weapons...) And that's just the profiles, don't get me started on the prices!
I think it would be faster to list what hasn't been changed :p

Btw, how did you manage the number of slots a weapon takes? Did you base it on the Unwieldy trait or did you store it as a separate value? In the new rules, it's no longer tied to the the Unwieldy trait (the Harpoon launcher, for instance, takes 2 slots but is not Unwieldy).
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I think it would be faster to list what hasn't been changed
Yeah don't worry about marking anything. I'll just have to do a complete audit.

Btw, how did you manage the number of slots a weapon takes? Did you base it on the Unwieldy trait or did you store it as a separate value? In the new rules, it's no longer tied to the the Unwieldy trait (the Harpoon launcher, for instance, takes 2 slots but is not Unwieldy).
I did not manage it at all. It was the responsibility of the user to manage how many weapons they're carrying regarding the limits of the rules. For the new rules I guess I'll just be adding the asterix to the name. I can manage the weapon restrictions, it's something I had as an enhancement to do. As long as I have a toggle to turn it off on settings to let users play how they want.
@Malo: I'm putting together a new spreadsheet with pretty much everything, if you are interested.
Spreadsheet updated with dramatis personae specific weapons and both cults' prices. Also, proofread.
Sadly, the cults' pdfs haven't been updated by GW so there are still a few negative discounts lying around. I included them in the spreadsheet for exhaustivity but I'd advise people to use the trading post prices for those items instead.
Can't wait for the update! Gots to tinker with my Delaque list! If your still awaiting info or books feel free to get in touch.
I have everything I need to make all the changes. The problem is due to the exclusion of non-compendium owners. If I change all the tools data to the N18 version, I'm basically telling the rest of the Necromunda players who use the tools and don't have the new books that they're no longer compatible with the "real" Necromunda, at least as far as the tools are concerned. GW don't seem to be concerned with this separation of players, otherwise there would have been a conversion document released. Maybe they are trying to get as many sales as possible and release it soon? Hopefully.

Delaque is written for the new version of the rules, so technically just adding that gang is incompatible with the rest of the tools. I could fork the tools but it's a lot of work that could be irrelevant in a matter of weeks/months. I'd rather convert everything to what is now considered to be the final version of Necromunda: Underhive but I don't want to simply ignore the thousands of players with the "old" rules (funny that less than 12 months old product is obsolete).

I guess due to the availability of the digital version in other places and with those custom compilations apparently being updated, it's fairly readily accessible for anyone?
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@Malo - to clear up your any doubts.
There are two types of Necromunda players:

1) Those who will have those books (or already have) in paper or electronic form (or both).
Majority now or in next 1 month. I guess most of N17/18 players on this forum.|
If any of you said to yourself: "I have rulebook, faq and all four gang wars. I don't need any new books"... stop lying to yourself.
We all know you will buy it or download it from Russians.

2) Those who still using rulebook from starter box.
Minority. Will be max 5% in next 1-2 months.
don't forget us grognards with our perfect ORB. well, I guess you can, since we aren't what this discussion is about anyway.... but we're out there!
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don't forget us grognards with our perfect ORB. well, I guess you can, since we aren't what this discussion is about anyway.... but we're out there!

I'm pretty sure you were forgotten about in 2003 when they released that big brown Necromunda Underhive compilation book (aka the LRB).

Then the NCE.

And now N17 and N18.

You're like, so 1995...
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Necromunda Compendium Update 1
This first update represents the major portion of updates to the tools to bring it in line with the new compendium version. This means that the tools are no longer compatible with the "old" Gang War books. The differences are minor in some ways and other changes can be adjusted by means of custom entries if so desired to continue using the tools without the compendium.

  • Legacy Delaque gang type now hidden
  • Updated Delaque set active
  • Added Delaque Spyker Brute
  • Added Shock Tendrils attack to Spekter pet
  • Added Cephalopod Spekter Pet
  • Fighter types with a max equipment cost (ie. Juves) now only credit restricted if they have no advances
  • Wargear section renamed to Equipment
  • All Ammo entries moved to their respective weapon sections
  • Turf War territories set to hidden for adding new
Misc Fixes
  • Increased Ganger WS/BS advance +cost to 20cr
  • Decreased Ganger Int/Wil advance +cost to 5cr
  • Advance tax now applies only to advancing the same characteristic for fighter types with an advance tax
  • Cawdor Champion Intelligence increased to 6, modified existing gangers
Existing Equipment Cost/Availability Updates
  • Reclaimed Autogun set to Common
  • Executioner Ammo consolidated and moved to Basic Weapons
  • Throwing Knives set to Common
  • Reclaimed Autopistol set to Common
  • Bolt Pistol cost lowered to 45, fighter equip updated
  • Combi-Pistol Stub/Plasma cost lowered to 40, rarity to 8, fighter equip updated
  • Updated Combi-weapon Autogun/Flamer cost, rarity, fighter equip updated
  • Updated Combi-weapon Bolter/Flamer cost, rarity, fighter equip updated
  • Updated Combi-weapon Bolter/Melta cost, rarity, fighter equip updated
  • Updated Long Rifle rarity
  • Updated Harpoon Launcher rarity and availability
  • Updated Axe cost, fighter equip updated
  • Updated Maul and Club cost, fighter equip updated
  • Updated rarity for Chain Glaive
  • Updated incendiary charge cost, fighter equip updated
  • Updated stun grenades cost and availability, fighter equip updated
  • Fixed rarity for Sheen Bird
Weapon Stat Updates
  • Venomous Bite attack
  • Web Projector attack
  • Purgation traits
  • Acid Rounds
  • Shotgun Inferno
  • Reclaimed Autopistol
  • Bolt Pistol
  • Combi-Pistol Stub
  • Needle Pistol
  • Web Pistol
  • Chemical cloud breath
  • Combi-weapon Flamer
  • Combi-weapon Needler Rifle
  • Needle Rifle
  • Nightshade Chem Thrower
  • Web Gun
  • Krumpet Rivet Cannon
  • Rad Cannon
  • Seismic Cannon
  • Demo Charges
  • Rad Grenade
  • Stiletto Knife
  • Brute Cleaver
  • Digi Laser
  • Grav-fist
  • Maul
  • Razer-sharp Talons
  • Stiletto Sword
  • Shock Whip
  • Two-handed Axe
  • Two-handed Hammer
Gang-specific Equipment Costs
  • Van Saar shock stave cost updated, fighter equip updated
  • Cawdor Fight Knife cost, fighter equip updated
  • Goliath Axe cost, fighter equip updated
  • Goliath Combi bolter/flamer cost, fighter equip updated
  • Goliath Stimm-slug cost, goliath fighter equip updated
  • Orlock Combi bolter/melta cost, orlock fighter equip updated
Outstanding Items
  • Combi-pistols
  • Combi-weapons
  • Booby traps
  • Master-crafted weapons
  • Gunskull compact autopistol
  • Flechette Pistol-Fleshbane needs 5th Trait
  • Combi-weapon grenade launcher
  • Grenade Launcher Photon Flash
  • Stig-shambler heavy club
  • Shock Tendrils Cephalopod stats
  • Gang Wealth value
  • Gang Rating audit (current rule in compendium isn't valid)
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