Update Underhive Tools Development

Original gang's ID is 40898, I clicked on "clone gang", which created the copied gangs with ID 50306 and 50305 (the 2nd copy may have been caused by my mouse which glitches some times and do double-clics on its own).
Now if you look at the gang 40898, you can see that it's no longer into a campaign and that its name is now "Copy of Primus Phoenixes" instead of "Primus Phoenixes".
You can also see that the name of the gangs 50306 and 50305 is also "Copy of Primus Phoenixes" and not "Copy of Copy of Primus Phoenixes" which shows that the name of the original gang was "Primus Phoenixes".
So looking into this issue and checking the gang cloning and update logs for your gangs, I've tried to find a possible circumstance where cloning a gang that's your own with edit rights, possibly an invalid response from the cloning action and a subsequent gang details edit (which is indicated by the gang log for your original) somehow edits the original gang instead but I can't seem to reproduce it under my own login or a test login with normal access. The cloning action itself doesn't modify the original gang in any way but from what I see with your gang, somehow it occurred.

I've fixed an issue where the gang clone action doesn't give the right response under a certain circumstance and put in place a possible preventative measure but it's difficult to know for sure without being able to reproduce it sorry.

Well that's disappointing, I asked on the same day that the error was made by the player who erased my infos.
Yes and I apologize for not taking action when requested, that's on me. On a good note however, my logging for gang actions stores the notes entered. So I actually have full history of any updates to your gang notes. This seems to be the last entry before your friend edited it, is this what you want restored? (The unicodes would be displayed properly when returned to your gang)

Le secteur 41 est un plaque tournante permettant de s'approvisionner en toutes les ressources les plus recherch\u00e9s de Necromunda.\r\nLes Primus Phoenixes y ont \u00e9t\u00e9 envoy\u00e9e afin d'assurer \u00e0 la Maison l'acc\u00e8s en grandes quantit\u00e9s \u00e0 tous les produits chimiques rares, animaux exotiques et appareils de pointe n\u00e9cessaires \u00e0 un projet secret des matriarches. Il s'agit d'une nouvelle formule de r\u00e9animation des vierges de mort, qui produirait des guerri\u00e8res encore plus redoutables et assurerait la supr\u00e9matie de la Maison Escher sur ses rivales.\r\n\r\n07\/02\/19 : empoignade vs La Triade Du Serpent Rouge pour la Stinger Mould Sprawl (d\u00e9faite)\r\n - Nelly rejoint le gang depuis la colonie\r\n14\/03\/19 : sabotage vs Puns and Doses pour le Narco Den (d\u00e9fenseur, victoire)\r\n- Jenny est recrut\u00e9e

Can you please consider adding an undo button ?
The concept of an undo button is very complex for something like this. Potentially I will be able to utilize the history function to restore specific changes (like the notes for example) and it's something I will explore. Entire snapshots of gangs and a restoration to a snapshot isn't something I'm willing to do though as that's a lot of data potentially. A snapshot is available manually now via the Clone function.
Yes that's what I wanted to recover, thanks !
Is it possible for you to edit the name of the gang 40898 to remove the "Copy of" from it ?
Yes that's what I wanted to recover, thanks !
Is it possible for you to edit the name of the gang 40898 to remove the "Copy of" from it ?
Notes are restored. I've updated the gang name but you know you can change your gang name whenever you want?
Simple error I found today:

Grenade launcher photon flash ammo is listed as -1 at short range. That’s incorrect.

There should be no bonus or penalty for either short or long range. Additionally, it’s missing its 5+ ammo roll.

Tools Updates
This update along with changes to the forum systems brings some much needed features to the Underhive Tools

  • Dominion territories now display on sheet and card printouts
  • Print options are now consolidated into a dropdown which allows enabling fighter images and recovery options for both sheet and card layouts. Both options are off by default
  • Turf has been removed and Wealth added. The Wealth will only be calculated when viewing the gang so all gangs have a Wealth of zero until they are at least viewed once. This only affects new campaign sorting options (see below)
  • Gangs can now have a color assigned. Setting the color for a gang will change the background color for territories on the hex map that the gang controls for quick identification, along with the border color of the gang card on the campaign view
  • Weapon stats now supports 5 traits. Customize functionality currently only supports 4 still
  • Friends system has been removed from YakTribe and a new Guild system introduced. For the tools this means you will need to create a Guild for your gaming group then a Roster for Necromunda, adding your players (see Guilds)
  • Campaign view now allows sorting of gangs by rating, reputation, wealth, battles, kills and territory count
  • Battles added to Campaigns:
    • Campaign admins can add a Battle in the campaign editor
    • Any amount of gangs can be added to a battle
    • Date and time can be entered (including past dates)
    • Scenario must be selected, allows for Other custom scenario
    • Winner is optional
    • If Winner is selected, you can optionally choose a campaign Dominion territory for the winner to takeover
    • Allows notes to be added (simple text, not a full HTML event like the Campaign Events)
    • The gang Rating for each gang participating is recorded at time of battle entry
    • If a gang has Battles, a new Battle tab will be shown on the Gang editor, which shows all battles they participated in, the rating and results
With the new battle system, if you have any records of past battles you're able to add them using the date/time selector, however the Rating recorded won't be accurate since the system doesn't know what their rating was at the time of the battle. Obviously new campaigns and battles will have accurate recording of ratings at the time of entry, as long as the battle is recorded before the gang is updated after the battle.

Please report here any issues with the tools updates.
Hi, thanks for the great work, this update is absolutely amazing! However, I cannot add battles to the campaign, as I can't see any "save" button in that section. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Another possible bug I have encountered: I created a couple of custom gangers (one for Chaos cults and one for Venators) and shared them with my friends, both of whom did join my guild and have been added to its only roster. However, while creating a new gang, one of them (the Venator) sees the custom ganger, while the other doesn't
Hi, thanks for the great work, this update is absolutely amazing! However, I cannot add battles to the campaign, as I can't see any "save" button in that section. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?
The submit button won't appear until you've selected at least 2 gangs.

Great work on the update guys!

I have been playing around with it and it all seems to work - Except when I try to add pictures to printable rosters and cards. The "X fighter image" option in the dropdown just points to Yaktribe.games/# which takes you to the front page...
What browser? Try CTRL-SHIFT-R in case javascript hasn't updated.
After trying again I can confirm that it works for the laptop version of the site (which I hadn't checked before), but not for the mobile one. I can provide a screen capture if you need it.
Seems to work for me. What phone and browser?

Love this update, but wanted to bring a few things to your attention.
  1. In your gang view, battles listed seem to be showing them vs. yourself, rather than your opponent(s).
  2. Is it possible in the future to edit battles or campaign updates?
One tangential thing: I don't seem to be able to remove my gang banner image. Was this lost in the update or am I just having a hard time finding the functionality? Thanks in advance!
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