So looking into this issue and checking the gang cloning and update logs for your gangs, I've tried to find a possible circumstance where cloning a gang that's your own with edit rights, possibly an invalid response from the cloning action and a subsequent gang details edit (which is indicated by the gang log for your original) somehow edits the original gang instead but I can't seem to reproduce it under my own login or a test login with normal access. The cloning action itself doesn't modify the original gang in any way but from what I see with your gang, somehow it occurred.Original gang's ID is 40898, I clicked on "clone gang", which created the copied gangs with ID 50306 and 50305 (the 2nd copy may have been caused by my mouse which glitches some times and do double-clics on its own).
Now if you look at the gang 40898, you can see that it's no longer into a campaign and that its name is now "Copy of Primus Phoenixes" instead of "Primus Phoenixes".
You can also see that the name of the gangs 50306 and 50305 is also "Copy of Primus Phoenixes" and not "Copy of Copy of Primus Phoenixes" which shows that the name of the original gang was "Primus Phoenixes".
I've fixed an issue where the gang clone action doesn't give the right response under a certain circumstance and put in place a possible preventative measure but it's difficult to know for sure without being able to reproduce it sorry.
Yes and I apologize for not taking action when requested, that's on me. On a good note however, my logging for gang actions stores the notes entered. So I actually have full history of any updates to your gang notes. This seems to be the last entry before your friend edited it, is this what you want restored? (The unicodes would be displayed properly when returned to your gang)Well that's disappointing, I asked on the same day that the error was made by the player who erased my infos.
Le secteur 41 est un plaque tournante permettant de s'approvisionner en toutes les ressources les plus recherch\u00e9s de Necromunda.\r\nLes Primus Phoenixes y ont \u00e9t\u00e9 envoy\u00e9e afin d'assurer \u00e0 la Maison l'acc\u00e8s en grandes quantit\u00e9s \u00e0 tous les produits chimiques rares, animaux exotiques et appareils de pointe n\u00e9cessaires \u00e0 un projet secret des matriarches. Il s'agit d'une nouvelle formule de r\u00e9animation des vierges de mort, qui produirait des guerri\u00e8res encore plus redoutables et assurerait la supr\u00e9matie de la Maison Escher sur ses rivales.\r\n\r\n07\/02\/19 : empoignade vs La Triade Du Serpent Rouge pour la Stinger Mould Sprawl (d\u00e9faite)\r\n - Nelly rejoint le gang depuis la colonie\r\n14\/03\/19 : sabotage vs Puns and Doses pour le Narco Den (d\u00e9fenseur, victoire)\r\n- Jenny est recrut\u00e9e
The concept of an undo button is very complex for something like this. Potentially I will be able to utilize the history function to restore specific changes (like the notes for example) and it's something I will explore. Entire snapshots of gangs and a restoration to a snapshot isn't something I'm willing to do though as that's a lot of data potentially. A snapshot is available manually now via the Clone function.Can you please consider adding an undo button ?