You will need to create them using the CUSTOMISE functions of the UH:ToolsHi, just wondering how to add master crafted weapons through the underhive tools, I can’t seem to find any option for it anywhere. Thanks!
On a unrelated note how do I represent master crafted weapons in the gang managerActually the functionality is built-in for this already for bionics. I can add the relevant stat modifications for servo harness as long as it basically works the same way.
See above. You will need to create them.On a unrelated note how do I represent master crafted weapons in the gang manager
Having trouble editing (removing or adding) ganger pics in the old Necro (LRB) tool. Also when I click on my name in the upper right on the gang page, I get :
These are fixed, thank you Tim
I appreciate the offer as there's quite a few. This might be useful in a spreadsheet form with the main stats for each type in a single row. I might be able to import them in a state to build upon.@Malo would you like anyone to create guild faction and recidivist faction profiles you can crib for general use? Or would that not be helpful?
I appreciate the offer as there's quite a few. This might be useful in a spreadsheet form with the main stats for each type in a single row. I might be able to import them in a state to build upon.
I'm going to figure out the structure I need to support these and I'm currently working on the Hired Guns component as well for campaign pools and supporting Dramatis Personae.