Update Underhive Tools Development

Oh! Functionality so that players can remove themselves from a campaign without needing the Campaign Owner to do it for them. We've had issues of Campaign Organizers disappearing and players want to transfer gangs to a different campaign but cannot because they are unable to do it by themselves.
Of course they can. Any gang owner can remove their own gang from a campaign in the gang editor.
  • Equipment editor now limits sections available based on ganger types
  • Equipment editor now limits available equipment based on max costs for certain ganger types (eg. Juves)
  • Turning off Equipment Restriction opens up all equipment as normal
  • Customize module now includes custom ganger types with new options available for N17
    • Added Equipment Max Cost field
    • Added Starting Skills field
    • Removed starting XP and random XP fields
  • Customize module injuries updated to provide up to 2 stat modifications
  • Customize module weapon stats now functional
  • Campaign manager module added
  • Side menu enabled for Underhive tools and limited to available modules
First go at styling the gangers output on the gang editor, modeled after the card display from the book. Works well responsively as well.

Are you building it with swappable armour? To future proof it. (Just occured to me looking at the card).

It is looking very sweet!
Are you building it with swappable armour? To future proof it. (Just occured to me looking at the card).
IIRC what Malo said earlier, armor is normal wargear that is auto-added when the fighter is created (if their type call for it) but can be later removed/replaced at will.

@Malo: I'd go with the "press a number" for the add XP dialog as it's quicker for touch screens and about the same when you have access to a keyboard/mouse combo as long as you don't need to add more than 9 XP at once, and I don't expect a fighter to ever gain more than 9 XP in a single game without heavy house-ruling.
Best of both worlds would be "press a number" with the possibility to bypass it using the physical numpad of a keyboard, but I don't know if it's easily feasible.

Loving the card presentation btw (y) I wouldn't change anything about the font or the colors :love:
I think weapons should be separated from wargear though (and maybe Unwiedly weapons asterisked) as it would make it easier to manually check the 3-weapons-max limit. Would adding a collapsible section with the weapons' stats be possible?
Also, there probably should be some way to track and manually edit the number of advancements the fighter took (as it changes the XP cost of subsequent advancements)

Do you plan to manage several loadout cards for each Leader and Champion as per the official rules?
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I'd go with the "press a number" for the add XP dialog as it's quicker for touch screens and about the same when you have access to a keyboard/mouse combo as long as you don't need to add more than 9 XP at once, and I don't expect a fighter to ever gain more than 9 XP in a single game without heavy house-ruling.
Best of both worlds would be "press a number" with the possibility to bypass it using the physical numpad of a keyboard, but I don't know if it's easily feasible.
Yeah I think I like the press a number as it's very rare to be adding more than a few xp at a time. This is for a quick Add XP button but there will still be the Edit XP in the functions tucked away to edit the number directly to any value.
I think weapons should be separated from wargear though (and maybe Unwiedly weapons asterisked) as it would make it easier to manually check the 3-weapons-max limit. Would adding a collapsible section with the weapons' stats be possible?
I was going to be making full ganger cards as a printout option including the weapons stats. I could add them as a collapsible here for reference as well as the ganger edit page.

I like the idea of max weapon limit checking. I could count the "weapons" (based on the section they're in), check for Unwieldy trait for +1, check for Bulging Biceps to ignore Unwieldy and display the current weapon allotment with a styling alert for going over 3. It's not something I like doing due customize but the only problem I see there is possibly someone creating a skill that acts like Bulging Biceps or someone creating a weapon that they don't want to count as taking up a slot. I'm surprised there isn't a Trait "Small" or similar.

Do you plan to manage several loadout cards for each Leader and Champion as per the official rules?
Planning to yes, not sure initially as I want to get it live soon.

Should injuries be displayed on the cards? I think I'll leave them out for printout. The book and cards in the box don't display them, I assume because with N17 the injuries don't affect in-game actions, just your stats.
I like the idea of max weapon limit checking. I could count the "weapons" (based on the section they're in), check for Unwieldy trait for +1, check for Bulging Biceps to ignore Unwieldy and display the current weapon allotment with a styling alert for going over 3. It's not something I like doing due customize but the only problem I see there is possibly someone creating a skill that acts like Bulging Biceps.
Other possible problems are some fighters having a different number of weapon slots (Bounty hunters can equip up to 4 weapons if memory serves) and people coming up with quirky house-rules (for instance "a brace of pistols takes only 1 slot" like in Mordheim)

Should injuries be displayed on the cards? I think I'll leave them out for printout. The book and cards in the box don't display them, I assume because with N17 the injuries don't affect in-game actions, just your stats.
Correct, tracking injuries is not strictly needed in N17. However, I'd still keep them somewhere as people may want to track them for house-rules (for bionics or stat cap reduction for instance) or simply for story-telling purpose.
Other possible problems are some fighters having a different number of weapon slots (Bounty hunters can equip up to 4 weapons if memory serves) and people coming up with quirky house-rules (for instance "a brace of pistols takes only 1 slot" like in Mordheim)
Good point on the ganger types. I'd need a new field for max_weapon_slots available when creating ganger types and possibly a field for weapon_slots (1-2) for equipment instead of checking for Unwieldy (updating existing core entries for weapons with that trait). I'd still need a Bulging Biceps hard coded check though to -1 from all weapon slots >1.
Correct, tracking injuries is not strictly needed in N17. However, I'd still keep them somewhere as people may want to track them for house-rules (for bionics or stat cap reduction for instance) or simply for story-telling purpose.
Yeah they'll still definitely be tracked, but I might remove them from the card view on the gang page to reduce the size, have them displayed in the ganger editor only.
and possibly a field for weapon_slots (1-2) for equipment instead of checking for Unwieldy
I think it's the way to go. It's also future-proofing for the "Massive" trait (weapon takes 3 slot) and other oddities like the Underhive version of the grenade launcher (takes 2 slots even though it's not Unwieldy). If you use a float, it may also allow house-rules for small weapons (knife, pistols...) taking only 0.5 slot.

Yeah they'll still definitely be tracked, but I might remove them from the card view on the gang page to reduce the size, have them displayed in the ganger editor only.
I agree they are probably not needed on the card proper. They won't be used during gameplay (unless somebody wants to house-rule injuries that are).
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I think it's the way to go. It's also future-proofing for the "Massive" trait (weapon takes 3 slot) and other oddities like the Underhive version of the grenade launcher (takes 2 slots even though it's not Unwieldy). If you use a float, it may also allow house-rules for small weapons (knife, pistols...) taking only 0.5 slot.
Yeah I think I might do that. Best to integrate that now instead of having to update a bunch of custom entries later. And I hate checking for names of things with IF statements, terrible way to code.
Don't forget purchased advances add to the gangers cost and gang rating and it's not a 1:1 ratio....

Thanks, forgot about that damn column. Should be interesting to implement. I could simply add a +cost field when adding an advancement leaving it to the user but I'd rather implement it properly and store the costs, raising the XP cost of the advancement by the number of advancements.
Actually nevermind, there's no way I can allow for all the different advancement types in any kind of automated fashion without hard coding a lot of functionality.
  • Added new is_ganger field to gangers table to distinguish the Ganger type for advancements and allow for custom entries
  • Add Advancements re-designed with an advancement selection, XP cost and ganger value fields
  • Available advancements is based on the is_ganger field and available skill sections
  • The XP cost and the ganger value is filled automatically upon selection and XP cost takes into account # of existing advancements for non-ganger types. Fields can still be specified to any value but automatic values are based on RAW.
  • Ganger cost now adds the associated advancement cost as well
Ugh I'll need yet another field. The more I re-read and implement, the less I understand why they do things in this way. Seems quite over complicated for no real reason.
Maybe you could still use a single field (but an enum, not a boolean) since a fighter cannot be a juve and a ganger at the same type.

Or add two boolean fields pays_XP_tax and can_choose_advancements to the fighter type table and fetch them when needed.