Are you building it with swappable armour? To future proof it. (Just occured to me looking at the card).
IIRC what Malo said earlier, armor is normal wargear that is auto-added when the fighter is created (if their type call for it) but can be later removed/replaced at will.
@Malo: I'd go with the "press a number" for the add XP dialog as it's quicker for touch screens and about the same when you have access to a keyboard/mouse combo as long as you don't need to add more than 9 XP at once, and I don't expect a fighter to ever gain more than 9 XP in a single game without heavy house-ruling.
Best of both worlds would be "press a number" with the possibility to bypass it using the physical numpad of a keyboard, but I don't know if it's easily feasible.
Loving the card presentation btw
I wouldn't change anything about the font or the colors
I think weapons should be separated from wargear though (and maybe Unwiedly weapons asterisked) as it would make it easier to manually check the 3-weapons-max limit. Would adding a collapsible section with the weapons' stats be possible?
Also, there probably should be some way to track and manually edit the number of advancements the fighter took (as it changes the XP cost of subsequent advancements)
Do you plan to manage several loadout cards for each Leader and Champion as per the official rules?