OK, as before, this is just me putting some work in because
@Gregor Firedrake said to dive in, I'm aware we've not yet formally set the Armoury team up and I'm a long way from a real proposal, just looking to ensure I'm not swimming against the tide here.
Where I mention spreadsheets, look
here, and focus on the tabs (at the bottom) called Suggestions and Upgrades.
It looks to me like pretty much all of the ranged weapons that can be carried by a model in power armour or less (no crisis/terminators etc.) can be represented pretty well using the NCE&OCE stuff, at most 35 new profiles, and about 15 new weapon upgrades.
With 87 ranged weapons in the ][munda 2.0 armoury, 43 in the NCE+OCE (excluding Spyrer stuff) that puts us 10 down on the current total. It also lets us represent a truck load of things that aren't there and I wouldn't be surprised if we reduce that number a little once you all take a look at what I'm suggesting.
I've not touched melee yet, but at a glance, that should be pretty simple as there are far fewer permutations without range and number of shots to worry about.
I guess we might want to include a handful of weapons with no 40k equivalent like the Hrud Fusil and other stuff for our exotic Xenos. Feel free to suggest anything you think cannot be emulated using the profiles and upgrades presented in the spreadsheet.
There's a lot of work to be done deciding on profiles, costs and restrictions (how many upgrades can a weapon have? which ones?) but if we can broadly agree that this system will work, I'm happy to put in much of the effort required.