OK chaps, since this will likely be the last update before the new version of Necromunda drops, I'm not going to go into too many changes to the current document. As weapon profiles are not yet finalized I will need to remove house weapon lists also.
I will answer a couple of points before I do the final update.
1. Why are leaders/elites being denied the options of W, A, I or Ld advancements? +1 W and S or A makes a pretty satisfying ork nob, for exampleThe increase in choice range here would add a lot and cost only a little, I suspect. This, one time, might even be a nice way to offer a +1 M option.
I will add them as options although W will take up 2 advances. M is tied to species so won't offer that. Can choose an agility skill if you want a fast guy.
2. I'd like to suggest that elites only start with 40+d6 xp, since they don't get access to special or heavy weapons. Otherwise, in the long game, they will be a little weaker than characters with the same rating (since xp + cost).
I had originally done this but since they actually can have access to Special weapons (with the specialist skill) along with other benefits decided to amend it. If there is a wider problem we will revisit this.
3. Why are rogue traders forbidden from having xenos, but not abhuman, elites? Nobles can, as can pirates and t'au, so it just feels strange.
No idea. Will change.
4. Although it's (seemingly?) small, cult leaders gaining the preacher ability "in addition" means that, strictly speaking, cult leaders are stronger than any other type of leader. I don't suspect you intended every cult leader to feel like better commanders than inquisitors, grizzled guard sergeants, etc.
It is not so much that the leader is particularly good but they are very influential over their indoctrinated followers. If we ever get round to making a list of leader / elite skills instead of having them in the warbands, this will be fixed. As it is, its not too bad a problem.
5. I'm not sure I (personally) like the idea of rolling for a mutation, although I really like the way it's presented (as a 2 or 12 advance and an option therefor). Offering it as a free choice of mutation might be required for many players though, since otherwise it requires a commitment to remodeling the actual miniature in a way you might not want.
Agreed, although random stuff is always fun and stops models with multiple mutations from becoming broken. If choosing 2nd / 3rd mutations it would be too easy to make very broken combos (imagine 10 guys with extra arms and wings). If player doesn't want to convert minis, don't choose to gain a mutation or agree with your arbitrator that players can choose but cannot take duplicates.
7. Does the noble house' "swagger" ability really need to cost that 10 gelt for each declared noble? The rule right before it is trying to establish that such warbands are better equipped by providing 10% extra starting money, while this provides the opposite effect. Also, since the buggers demand a double cut of the income, they've already got a perfect (fluff-wise), if a bit brutal, counter-balance already in place. Actually, it really is perfect, as in the long run it slows down the income growth of such gangs such that they don't change gear as much as others. Might be better to increase their starting income all the way to +20%, but require at least half the warband be "nobles".
Without the +10TG per noble, the starting gang is too powerful for its own good. We'll try it as it is and if its a problem we will look to change it later. I have tried making a warband and met no problems but have not played it in a campaign.
8. T'au diplomatic cadres are actually much more likely to be led by a water caste than an ethereal, according to my "research". There aren't many ethereals and water castes are specifically given the duty of diplomacy. Also, love the cult style conversion rule! Probably going to be my first I'munda warband.
Fluff schmuff. If I didn't include one, someone would want one. Don't want and Ethereal, take a Water Caste.
9. Heresy table: I see six (-1)s, five of which are for hiring choices (within your control) and one of which, "fought a puritan warband" is not a choice, in most gaming groups (or story scenarios). Wouldn't be relevant, except for that "(+1) for never having suffered one of the penalties above" thing. I think this creates an effect you did not intend, is that correct?
Nope, once a warband, no matter how loyal they are to the Imperium, decides to fight against a puritan Inquisitor they will get a black mark. It is up to the player if they want to risk being branded a heretic.
10. The more I look through it, the more I see the need to separate skill tables from warbands, at least if they're going to remain clumped together for efficiency as they are now. There are many cases of things like, "why do squat leaders and elites get agility but not ferocity", "why do all lists that allow T'au warbands grant universal access to the close combat skill group", and "eldar guardians get the muscle skill table?". I have a suggestion for an alternate skill table assignment system that I'll propose soon, where appropriate, but only once it's a little more settled (it's looking really good, but I've only seen it from one of my own perspectives so far).
Species already have their own skills adjustments.
11. Also, as a general design idea, I wouldn't mind seeing more use of a consistently themed rule for "slave" style initiates. They should cost a flat rate per game and not get a cut of income, for example (maybe cost more than just food, since they have to be watched and contained, say five or maybe take ten or more, but out of income, instead of stash, etc), but they could also benefit from a chance to run off the board and escape to freedom sometimes.
Its a lot of work for not a lot of gain. Slaves can gain income same as anyone else. Its easy to get a slave to work a mine. If they are down at the end of the game and roll a 11-16 on injury chart, just say they ran away to freedom if you like.
12. All in all, this has been the result of a fairly thorough and critical analysis of your work so far, which has been excellent, by the way. I hope that some of my observations prove valuable. Oh, one last question, what program did you make it in, it looks really pro?
Thanks. It was all done in the super-pro Microsoft Word 2007.