N18 Van saar ash waste starting gang / arachni-rig

Hello there !
I'm building up an ash waste van saar team and I was wondering about the ash waste arachni-rig.
can we buy it with the 400 cred that must be allocated to vehicules, crew or mounted equipment ?
As it's not a vehicule nor a mounted equipment but a brute ? Then why label it ash waste arachni-rig ?

Thanks for your enlightment.
The Ash waste Arachni-rig has pilot. (thus mounted) GW refers to the Ash waste Arachni-rig as a vehicle. https://www.warhammer-community.com...d-boards-make-short-work-of-ash-wastes-gangs/
The Cawdor Stig Shambler has a pilot. That's not a vehicle or Mounted.

None of the Ash wastes Arachrigs rules refer it to being Crew, a Vehicle or Mounted. (The requirements for the 400 credit budget). It is "just" a nippy Brute.

It's boosters are basically the same as a Orlock Wreakers jump pack. Neither grants the Mounted Condition.
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