
New Member
Dec 17, 2020
So I have an idea for a kitbash to make Noble team from Halo:Reach out of the Vann Saar Gang but I was wondering if there was a way to make them playable. Most Van Saar Gangs I have found are 7 Units and Noble Team is only 6. I'm Quite new to Necromunda and to most GW games so I'm not the best at playing or making lists right now so any help would be appreciated!

Carter: Leader
George: Heavy
Emile: Shotgun/Melee
Jun: Sniper
Kat and Six: Basic Infantry
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A team of 6 is doable, if guess you'd run a leader, 2 champions and 3 gangers - Emile, Kat and Six seem your logical choice for gangers.

You may have to get inventive for Jun as I don't think Van Saar have a sniper type weapon in their house list - id make a list suggestion but I'm not a Van Saar player and don't have the new book!
For a skirmish game it's entirely possible to make a legal list that will function decently on the table, but in a campaign your lack of numbers will hurt you immensely. Once one or two characters get injured and have to miss a game you will be at a very severe disadvantage. This is a game of alternate activations and the lack of numbers will let your opponent do too many things unopposed every turn. You would probably need to overcome this by employing some 'faceless' and lighter equipped expendable support characters as your non-SPARTAN allies. Fortunately Van Saar are great for this as a Ganger(Tek) or Juve(Sub-Tek) with an Autogun/Lasgun is very effective fighter and make perfect cannon fodder.

In terms of making a list I don't have access to the Van Saar book yet, but you probably want to start everyone with Mesh armour for a 4+ save, which makes your guys very survivable compared to Necromunda norms and build towards Carapace Armour.
Here's a rough starting list:

and here's what to build into.
Carter (Prime) - Las Carbine, Plasma Pistol, Grenades.
Jorge (Augmek) - Heavy Bolter & Suspensors (There isn't a flavourful equivalent to the M247H on the Van Saar starting list, but the Bolter is a decent analogue)
Emile: (Augmek) - Suppression Carbine, Power Knife, Torsonic Cyberteknika, Grenades
Jun (Tek) -Long Rifle, Ocular Cyberteknika. (Again there is no sniper weapon on a Van Saar starting list)
Kat (Tek) - Las Carbine, Grenades, Sindextrous Cyberteknika
Six - Las Carbine, Grenades

You can add Plasma or Las Sub-Carbine sidearms as you like, and in a campaign I would add UNSC mooks (Sub-Teks) with Las Carbines and Grenades.

It should be noted that this is a fluff list, many of these weapons are far from optimal but they will capture the spirit of Noble Team and I doubt any arbitrator will disallow this starting line-up as it's hardly OP.