Warbands & Path to Heresy


Feb 11, 2018
Hi guys!
We will soon rework the warbands in N17 Inquismunda.
Based on feedbacks from the community and players groups, there is a wish to get more freedom in the warband creation process.

What direction to take?
  • The V3.0 warbands revision by @Tiny was a big step toward this goal, getting rid off the « mini-dex » approach of V2.0 and offering a more standardized template for all warbands (Generic positions, Sub-variants of big warband archetypes).
  • The Inquisimunda Unleashed approach, thanks to @Lysimachus, was a step closer to this freedom level.
  • The keywords approach we have initiated in N17 Inq, inspired by 8th edition 40k, has allowed us to skip « House lists » and build one united pool of equipements to pick from (see the last version of the draft in the vault for an updated Bizarre Bazaar). This keywords concept paves the way to a more modular approach to warband creation: when it will be ready, the new system will allow the players to try different combinations and variants of the warbands (e.g: what about exploring the « cult » side of a Mechanicus cult warband?).
  • The next logical step would be to simplify the puritan/radical approach. In Inquisimunda, all is not black and white. Indeed, there is a lot of different shades of grey inbeetwen.

What to do with Puritan/Radical?
In a nutshell, Puritan warbands respect all of the Imperial doctrines: no mutants, no unsanctionned psykers, no xenos, and no warp or xenos artefacts. Furthermore, you should better pray the true emperor-god than worshiping one of the many false gods, be it chaos or xenos or of your own deviant creation.

For sure, there may be some exceptions to these doctrines, or room for « different interpretations » (e.g: Machine god of the Adeptus Mechanicus). Some believes that to destroy the ennemy, it is needed to use its own weapons against him. Those who do not choose the path of the puritan may find themselves on the slippery slope to becoming branded a Radical, a dangerous step closer to Heresy.

Instead of setting rules into each warband, about what it is allowed to take when a puritan and what is allowed when a radical, why not let the player decide what he wants to freely take? We could completly remove this puritan/radical stuff from each warband and take into account the choices made in the Path to Heresy part (see below).

What is it to be a Heretic?
@Tiny has made an amazing job for V3.0 with the Path to Heresy (here). It was an adaptation of Outlaws rules from OCE to Inquisimunda. In N17, we don't (yet?) have rules for Outlaws. Furthermore, due to several differences between NCE/OCE and N17, we can't directly import Outlaws rules to N17. In a way, Venators warbands campaign rules could be a partial inspiration for what we are attempting to do.

Being a Heretic (propositions to be discussed)

Proposition 1
When a warband is branded a Heretic in a campaign, it immediately looses any territory or turf it previously controlled. Indeed, Heretic warbands do not hold turf like other warbands. They do not therefore gain or lose turf as a result of winning or losing battles and they can never hold any Special Territories.

Proposition 2
They do however collect Income after the first battle of a cycle, but rather than multiplying their turf size by 10, they multiply their Reputation by 10 to determine their income. This could represent the retainer they are paid by their hidden masters to continue operating in the area, or their capacity to pull strings to get what they need.

Proposition 3
Additionally, the warband’s Leader (and only the Leader) may make a special ‘Work the Gang’s Turf’ action (see p.23 of GW1) in the post-battle sequence to represent the warband making an appeal to their contacts. However, should the D6 roll be a 1 the plea has fallen on deaf ears and no extra funding is granted.

Proposition 4
Finally, the Heretic warband will earn additional income for every enemy fighter captured and not rescued, which they will sell, and for any enemy fighters killed:
(a) When the heretic warband sell captives, they earn the full value of each fighter in Thrones Gelt rather than the usual half. This represents their motivation and capacity to get valuable intel of their captives.
(b) When an opponent the heretic warband have just fought deletes a dead fighter from their roster during the Update Roster step of the post-battle sequence, the Heretic warband immediately gains half of that fighter’s value rounded up to the nearest 5 TG. This represents the positive impact the elimination of this threat could have on their survival.
Proposition 5
From now, in the Bizarre Bazaar:
(a) Prices of all items are increased by 10TG,
(b) Rarity value is increased by 1 & Common items become Rare (6).
Proposition 6
When non heretic warbands sell captives from a heretic warband, they earn the full value of each fighter in Thrones Gelt rather than the usual half.
We have get rid of the starvation part of Outlaws. Maybe it will introduce too much complexity into N17.

What do you think about it ? We could adopt one, some or all the propositions. If you do prefer, we could make a poll (?) Thank you for your feedbacks and sorry for the long post but it is a big part of Inquisimunda ;)

How to become a Heretic will be explained in another post for the sake of readability (it will be very similar to Tiny's Path to Heresy).
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With inspiration from the work of @Tiny (Thanks to him):

How to become a Heretic

The Path to Heresy is an additional post-battle step, occurring just after « Gaining and Losing Reputation » (see GW1 p.23).

After each battle, each non heretic warband must roll 2D6 to see if they are declared Heretic:

2 : Heretic! - The warband is declared Heretic!
3-6 : Investigation - The warband is under investigation. After the next game, the warband suffers an additional -1 modifier on this table.
7-11 : Clear - The authorities takes no notice of the warband at this time.
12 : Upstanding - The authorities are so impressed by the warband's flawless conduct that they grant a commendation. The warband gains a 50TG income bonus and does not have to roll on this chart for D3 battles.

The roll is subject to the following modifiers:

-1 for each warband's fighter participating in the preceding battle that was Xenos, Mutant, Daemon and/or model with a Mark of Chaos.
-1 for each equipment that was used in the preceding battle that was of
Xenos origin and/or Warp related (Daemon weapon?).
-1 if the last battle was
against a non heretic warband.

+1 if none of the negative modifiers above have ever applied to the warband prior to the last battle.
+1 if
none of the negative modifiers above currently apply to the warband.
+1 if the last battle was
against a heretic or Xenos warband.
+1 if the last battle was against a warband containing any
Xenos, Mutants, Daemons and/or models with a Mark of Chaos.
+1 if the warband's reputation is
under 10
+1 if the warband's reputation is under 20

Some warbands may be subject to additional modifiers (see the Warbands chapter).
With this last rule, we could set some tolerance degrees or impose some penalties (e.g: Rogue Traders could receive a +X bonus to take into account that they often use xenos hired-gun, Buccaneers could get a bonus too to represent the tolerance of their imperial employers, Chaos cults and criminal gangs could get a -X penatly).

As a reminder, Psykers are mutants. We could add a rule to grant no penalty for Sanctionned Psykers (?)

What to do with Xenos warbands ? Do they follow the same rules or do we prepare a « Path to Xenos Horrificus » with slightly different rules ? It would be amazing if we could manage a thing such as the relation between the Tau Empire and the Farsight Enclave.
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Puritan & Radical are two sides of the coin in the Imperial system. When it comes to branding an entire Warband as Heretics I must say that Xenos Warband (doesn't matter what they are) ALWAYS are Heretics in the Imperiums Point of view. No Imperial Citizen should trust the Tau cadre, or the despicable Eldar...

Basic rule would be that if you play a Xenos warband you are a Heretic, no matter what.

1. A Xenos Warband is always Heretics. So no Turf or Special territories. Ever.
2. Yes, that would work very well. A Tau strike team that is reputable would get more Resources from their command.
3. Hmm. Yes, and no. Since the Xenos don't have Special territories I would add somehing to them, based on their species, that they actually could work. Rulewise they need to roll the Dice and hope for extra Resources, maybe a weapontransport or a new warrior/initiate, but not petty cash. the Money they get is based on Reputation.
4 a & b. Yes and yes. And maybe an option to trade back captives to the owning gang...
5. Hmmm. Increase the price for EVERY item by 2D6 TG and increase the Rarity by +1 for HERETICS only. They need to buy when they can, begging for handouts and buying from shady merchants. PURITANS pays as normal.
6. Yes. Either as Bounty or a "excellent, I have always wanted a Eldar slave..." from their employers/masters. I like it.

Regarding Warbands that hide in society (chaos cults and genestealers.....) could start as Puritan... But since they will use unsanctioned psykers, chaos spawns and perform horrible rituals/kidnap people and transform them to horrible creatures, they will pretty soon become Heretics...

Regarding Sanctioned and Unsanctioned Psykers I would say that the Sanctioned will cost +10TG and can only be bought for Imperial forces (Inquisition, Rogue Traders, Militarum...).

Thoughts? Ideas?
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Thanks for your feedback!
Maybe we could manage "Heresy" differently for Xenos warbands?
Our other option is to make all of this a special rule for <Imperium> warbands only.
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A Xenos warband, in an Imperial setting will always be outcast, having to hide its whereabouts and intentions, acting through proxies. Sooooo they would be Radical by nature.

Puritan/Radical might be better used as "how covert are you"...

If no-one knows you are a bad apple, you will be treated better. But if they know you... Maybe a Reputationsystem for Radical/Puritan?

Like Karma from the Falloutseries?

This would mean that a Military unit, Tau, that has "fallen" and commited horrible acts AGAINST the Greater Good, can be redeemed and come back into good standing. It won't be easy, but it is possible.

Thoughts? Ideas?
If you guys wanted the system to encompass firewarriors who've strayed from the greater good or genestealer cults it shouldn't be called a Puritan/Heretical system. It should be called a loyalist/renegade system.

Maybe we could manage "Heresy" differently for Xenos warbands?

I like this. To me the whole radical/puritan thing is about exploring the spectrum of motivations and beliefs within the inquisition. It doesn't need to be opened up further than that.
I don't think players of xenos warbands need to be penalised because of where they are operating. An Eldar warband could be working under the direct authority of their craftworld making them legal in their own eyes. Puritan and Radical definitions work well for imperial warbands, not so much for alien races whose motivations and morals will probably be at odds with humans. Not wanting to overcomplicate things but how about xenos warbands use the same chart but in reverse? For example the Tau High Command might outlaw a Fire Warrior team for consorting with humans too much or dabbling in chaos worship, but not for fighting alongside other Tau.
Hey I wrote some N17 Outlaw rules which are basically just a port of the original. I too dropped the starvation rules. They are up in the vault. I like your adjustments to the rarity of items, I may include that in my Necromunda rules.
I'd suggest deleting Proposition 5 altogether (making the whole thing more an alternate ruleset than a penalty per se) and simply ruling that all Xenos warbands are "heretics" from the word go.

Prop 5 doesn't make a lot of sense in many contexts anyway when you consider that, unlike in Necromunda proper, not all warbands will be accessing the same "markets" to begin with. (The fact that a genestealer cult is outed, for instance, won't make it any harder for them to grow a bonesword, nor will a Rogue Trader's shady Drukhari contacts care in the slightest that he's now on the Inquisition's shit list.) The Bizarre Bazaar is more of a convenient gameplay shorthand than an actual in-universe thing.
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I think it would be nice to be able to become non-heretic again, after all there have been cases in Eisenhorn novels

I like in the novel the fact that they can be considered heretics even though they kind of... are not. And after working hard, they prove themselves to be non-heretics

So maybe it could be hard to become non-heretic again, but to give them a chance.