Wargame shows / Trade events

I thought I would make a general post about wargames events outside of TribeMEETs that us members are thinking of attending.

I will go first with, The Other Partizan taking place on the 13th of October 2024 at Newark showground it is aimed historical wargaming but there are fun selection of traders and games being shown/played
Have fun. Will you be on the lookout for models for any particular game/era?
I am looking to start a Bolt Action British Airborne army, though I hate painting infantry I seem to end up picking armies that have a lot of them. 🤷‍♂️
If you want any female WW2 miniatures - QE2 in her ATS uniform, Queen Mum, Princess Anne, land army figures, etc. - then check out Bad Squiddo Games minis at the Gripping Beast booth. Bad Squiddo will be there too but not with their trade show racks of minis. Good luck finding models to start your army.
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