Warhammer Fantasy Battle Sixth Edition


Gang Champion
Yak Comp 1st Place
Jan 23, 2015
Limehouse, London
Warhammer Fantasy Battle was the game that began it all for me and will always have a special place in my heart! Because of how old I am, when I first got into the hobby, we began playing 4th edition, then switched up to 5th when it came out, and I think I'd more of less moved on by the time 6th came around.

When @The Duke and I dug out all our miniatures a few years back the hope was to have some games of Warhammer Fantasy, however we decided that we wanted to achieve our boyhood dreams of two fully painted armies facing off against each other, and to that end made a rule not to play until our armies (or at least 600pts) were ready. Therefore in the meantime we started playing necromunda, remembered how incredibly cool the Hive is, and soon enough any hobby time went to the 41st millennium and not the dusty plains of the Old World or the hills and beaches of Ulthuan.

However a big old game of elves Vs orcs is still the end goal as far as I'm concerned and therefore, in the spirit of the recently spawned yak threads about epic and the like, I've decided to carve out a little space here for WHFB.

Strangely we decided to play 6th edition, rather than 4th or 5th, after a bit of research. This was for a few reasons. One of the main ones for me is I've got a lot of time for Tuomas Pirinen who is one of the main writers of 6th and liked the idea that the game had been balanced more in favour of troops than heroes (although we were never the kind of players to rely on making super powerful characters).

One of the principal criticisms of 6th, as for most editions, is that as the various army books were released, inevitably the meta game was chewed up as armies released later are often more powerful than earlier ones (perhaps with a hidden commercial agenda). At the time that 6th was released, while people were waiting for their own army books to come out, a suppliment called ravening hoards was published with basic rules for all the various factions. As the ravening hoards present more balanced lists nowadays a lot of people play with ravening hoards rather than the army books. For us however, playing high elves and orcs, we don't need to worry so much as neither of these armies were thought OP.

Therefore we bought the army books from ebay, pirated the various suppliments (the general's compendium etc. - definitely one of the high points of 6th is the way it can accommodate skirmish/ siege and so on), and began making army lists. As already stated progress was severely impeded because of necromunda, nevertheless in an effort to reboot our efforts I make this thread and will post some pics of my waaagh so far :)

And perhaps the Duke's elves will be forced to show themselves in order to quell the uprising, or other 4th/ 5th/ 6th/ or whatever edition fans will be persuaded to post pics, debate scenarios, or reminisce great battle reports.
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I’m not seeing any pictures here, although when I “quote” you, I can see there should be 5 images. It’s just a blank screen.

I agree with you about Ravening Hirdes. I cut my teeth on this with my Dearves vs my “Lil” brothers Elves. Such fond memories.

Hmm.. I've changed the album (to which I uploaded the media) privileges to 'members only' from private, hopefully that might help.
There they are! And very nice too. I particularly like the Stone Trolls, very well done.
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I've changed the default permission for albums to be Everyone for View and Owner Only for adding. Ideally it should be Everyone for View and not just Members Only to allow lurkers to see your work.
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I love those classic savage orcs and the trolls (y) Interesting paint scheme too, it took me a sec to adjust because I'm so used to brighter tones and higher contrast, but I actually love it. I'll always be a greenskin at heart, I love me a good WAAAAGH! Oh and 5th edition Lizardmen were my first army, loved those scaly bastards. Somehow the simple act of changing their name to Seraphon just makes my brain scream "LAAAAAAME", totally unreasonable I know. I just really don't like the aesthetic of anything in AoS, right down to the silly new names they gave all the factions to protect their IP.
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I love those classic savage orcs and the trolls (y) Interesting paint scheme too, it took me a sec to adjust because I'm so used to brighter tones and higher contrast, but I actually love it. I'll always be a greenskin at heart, I love me a good WAAAAGH! Oh and 5th edition Lizardmen were my first army, loved those scaly bastards. Somehow the simple act of changing their name to Seraphon just makes my brain scream "LAAAAAAME", totally unreasonable I know. I just really don't like the aesthetic of anything in AoS, right down to the silly new names they gave all the factions to protect their IP.

Thanks for saying @maxwellrpower, it makes my mind wander around this topic! In a previous incarnation lots of these guys were the more classic bright green. In those days my eleven year old self chunkily highlighted them up to undiluted sunburst yellow til they looked like they were just about to explode with waaagh energy. The gw paint jobs of the time were more refined but definitely still a smorgasbord of colour:

When I dug my earlier efforts up and stripped the paint from them, I think in direct reaction to my eleven year old self I opted for a much more muted approach and that's carried on in my necromunda painting too. It might also be a sign of the times: blanchitsu and game of thrones to think of two recent influences. Goes without saying I've still got a massive amount of time for more classic much brighter goblin green based schemes too.

One of the things I most appreciate in looking at the wealth of other people's models online is when people have really worked their way into their own style. All the choices that come up. For example, one of my favourite painters and bloggers doesn't use inks or washes, and one of my favourite orc armies (I think sadly a victim of the photobucket f**kup) was absolutely massive and painted really roughshod but it looked absolutely brilliant, super atmospheric and expressionist.

Back in the day savage orcs were my favourite, perhaps a little bit because we mostly played 5th and with frenzy they were probably somewhat OP. At least they proved quite effective crunching thru high elves, when, that is, the deft ellyrian reavers hadn't tricked them into charging breakneck speed into a wood. I think at that point frenzy doubled attacks like necromunda, but in 6th it changed to just +1A.

I know exactly what you mean about all the name changes, mostly I've been oblivious to this as I don't keep up to date, but call me crazy, one that's actually really grown on me is orruk as a new term for orc!

Wish I could see your lizardmen. Unlike necromunda where it was easy to get two gangs and much easier as an entry level game in terms of investment, the needed size of armies, and the fact that my two main sparring partners played high elves, meant I've always longed to face off against some of the various other factions of the old-world and the new. Dark elf cold ones and witch elves, the slann magic of lizardmen, runes and cannons of dwarfs, all the colours of chaos, the machines of the empire - I'd love to try my orcs against all those and more!
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Sadly my lizards have all been lost in the warp. Still got a whole bunch of metal cold ones, riderless, but that’s about it unfortunately. I do like the new minis for the reptilians. Maybe one day I’ll find some friendly local WHFB players and give 6th a shot.
My skinks back in the day were bright pink and fluoro green by the way :p I think these days I’d go for a more subdued palette myself!
Damn man, you almost cost me many many dollars with this thread, if I was rich enough to impulse buy an army I'd have several boxes of scaly fantasy critters already on their way. I'm going to need some help managing my addiction if I ever find myself with a higher level of disposable income! I even started looking into which editions people might be playing in my area.

But, then I figured out that a few hundred bucks and a bit of elbow grease cleaning up some of my old stuff will get me a 2000pt Ork Kult of Speed, so if I'm gonna try a big army game again I guess I will stick with the 41st Millennium.

I'll just have to get some vicarious enjoyment out of this thread for a while as far as fantasy goes! Really looking forward to seeing more of this stuff, hopefully some elves will turn up soon, ey? Maybe a battle report too?

Keep the excellent classic minis and fantastic paint work coming!
@maxwellrpower it would've be an absolute treat to see what you came up with if you were to crack into a new army of lizardmen, however definitely I think you're on the right track with the cult of speed. Wise move :)

That's exactly the process I've been thru to keep myself in check, strictly keeping to extending only what I already had in the attic so to speak. Therefore my remit is primarily Orcs and Gobbos and House of Iron for Necromunda. Other distractions got sold or given away and I had enough of both of these to give me a really solid base to build on. And to keep the collectomania in check I will try my utmost not to embark on anything else until these are all painted! There's only ten more Orlocks to do but the Orcs and Goblins are gonna take a few years at least I reckon!

There's a couple of other side projects but nothing more than that!

I'll just have to get some vicarious enjoyment out of this thread for a while as far as fantasy goes! Really looking forward to seeing more of this stuff, hopefully some elves will turn up soon, ey? Maybe a battle report too?

That's very much the plan hey @The Duke ? ;)
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Ah, beautiful. I stopped 'upgrading' rules at 6th Edition and have original copies of all the books and supplements they released (including all the WD ones like the Warhammer Armies: Kislev booklet). All my WFB armies are built with 6th Edition in mind and one army I've always wanted is a Savage Orc/Forest Goblin Waagh. Those are some lovely figures. I especially like the Shaman on Wyvern conversion!
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Looking forward to how this goes dude!

If you get around to having armies up to scratch, we'll have to arrange a day and you can charge headlong into my Marienburg Empire gunline. Would have to bear with me though... no idea how well my army would fit into 6th... It was started in 5th... units were added for every edition until the end times, but it was only in the last edition they actually played a game lol.

Need to get some Elves in this thread too! hope to it @The Duke :p
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Would love that @spafe, would be amazing to face off against your Empire! I'm sure the army will convert easily to sixth. I'm really interested in starting small scale -warbands/skirmish/600pt/1000pt games. Once all this battlefleet gothic malarkey is over I'd like to set up something in London of a Saturday with a small group of us. Just a few one off games then maybe a mini narrative campaign at some point in the next year or so :D

@The_Worker, thanks for saying pal and bringing this thread back to the surface :)
I've wanted to reply here for a while, as I started WHFB in 6th. Albeit towards the end of it, and played most of my games in 7th, and then only a few in 8th. But during a period of time I played multiple games every month, even every week. I might dig out the old VC (ok, they are not far away due to my Mordheim craze:whistle:) for a few pictures, although in the spirit of the thread I'll try and only show the painted stuff. :)
Any progress on the elves and greenskins? :D
I've wanted to reply here for a while, as I started WHFB in 6th. Albeit towards the end of it, and played most of my games in 7th, and then only a few in 8th. But during a period of time I played multiple games every month, even every week. I might dig out the old VC (ok, they are not far away due to my Mordheim craze:whistle:) for a few pictures, although in the spirit of the thread I'll try and only show the painted stuff. :)
Any progress on the elves and greenskins? :D

Thanks for saying @MedMos. Any plans for this have been well and truly sideswiped by battlefleet gothic this year so far. There are many more orcs and goblins frothing at the mouth ready to pour forth across the plains. I have based, converted, and base coated my beloved goblin wolf rider detachments and chariots and many more green skins of different descriptions are stuffed in baggies, unassembled, beneath my table. I cannot wait to have this project come to fruition as they are my first and strongest games workshop love!

Please do unscrew the lids of the coffins containing your venerable Counts, it would be a pleasure!

I cant remember if I already said above but there's also a really good whfb sixth edition facebook group worth checking out, though I still aspire to keep making a corner for this on Yak. :D
Goblin wolf riders are one of my favorite units, although I never played greenskins.:D The image alone, of gobbos harrassing the enemy on big ol' wolves, plus there was a picture of them in the first White Dwarf I ever leafed through... Loved 'em ever since. But the draw of the dark side, more specifically the Black Coach, was too strong.

I do remember pictures of a pure goblin army circulating the web, with loads and loads of wolf riders. Very cool army.
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