It does seem like they’ve decided to cash in on the Oldhammer trend but without actually upholding any of the ethos of the movement.
Its a shame but Tournament lists and the internet have kinda killed a certain play style. Unfortunately GW embraced the Tournament mindset in the late 90s and since then everything they make is filtered through it.
That seems to be why Oldhammer exists; it’s not just a nostalgic love of older models and aesthetic (though that certainly is a part of it) but the “spirit” of the games pre 1997 was certainly based on “let’s have fun” and not “let’s calculate the best possible combination here”.
It could be argued that modern Necromunda shows that not everything GW does is tournament focused but it could be argued that actually, it emphasises that they do. They seem to have no real idea anymore how to create a game system that can actually be fluffy without them saying “Here’s a few core mechanics” then just dumping a bin load of random ideas on top and saying “Ta Daaaa! Sandbox!!”.
Tournaments they understand, making everything 0-100 they understand, putting something in that is fun, thematic, that you want to field because it’s cool and not making it top tier, they don’t. Sadly the player base has followed this methodology over the last 30 years.
A lot of the game designers are fans of GWs older games. I think they emulate those but can’t capture what made them special.
The designers of those older games were gamers with interests outside of their workplace - that shows up in the quality of their games.
Sorry my rant isn’t very TOW focused - the principles follow over though, the designers are recreating their memories of playing Warhammer Fantasy but making it viable in a world that expects optimised lists vs disposable chaff.
The original WFB was written by people who loved the fantasy genre but also played historical games and had a knowledge of history and decided to try to carry that over to make fantasy creatures and regiments operate in a realistic way against each other.
I had mostly a good time during 2nd Ed 40k, starting when it was released. Can´t really remember people being too over the top with nonsense. And i played regulary, a couple of weekends each month with some class mates, school friends etc. Later on, a buddy started to attend tournamnets, was at the very end of 2nd Ed though. he made some nasty stuff with Eldar (minimum Aspect Warrior squads and thena couple of Swooping Hawk Exarchs with Vortex Grenade, another with combi weapon, aux grenade launcher, Fast Shot etc.. Not very fluffy but.. Eh, not too bad either) but he was pretty chill in our games in the club.
I remember hanging on and reading tacticas later too.. 1996 or so..?
But i still don´t felt it was as "bad" as now. But I am not sure..
I left the hobby in 2007-8 or so and sold off or threw my stuff away. Sold my Orks to a local guy, 4-6 years older who had played Rogue Trader but not since. And that "new" group coming back in late 4th Ed was like the "worst" now.. Googling what the latest tourny list was.. All games in the club was to "practice" for the next tournamnet. And more often than not, proxying most things.
Later on (a friend kept playing and we kept talking GW over all years) they just switched to the latest release, prxying this Marine chapter for the newest best..
I am glad i bailed when i did but sad to see it is like that still, or worse in many areas. it should be more chill, in my humble opinion. Beer and pretzels.. it never is nor was balanced enough to be that "competetive" or take it that serious.
I can enjoy the "balanced", matched games. Easy pick-up games at standard points value. But I still don´t do min-maxed, optimized stuff (I never really did, but I made some good lists in 2nd Ed or 3rd Ed but i never compromised too much on flugg).
I personally think the most fun is when you try to have the background in mind and make armies or gangs mostly abiding that. For WHFB, a strong Core (it also looks the best to me! With rows of the most common warriors
supported by, the support!).
I have heard the phrase from some of those when i have raised the issue - "Go play historical". I dunno.. How about they actually find a meaning in in life, a nice job and a family. That seems to be lacking for many of the worst "offenders".
Not meant to "offend" anyone but it really is a running theme. Atleast in my experience, the most fun players to have a good time with are chill, people not too much caring about showing off.
Ah whatever. Not meant to be nasty so better stop before I sound like that.
but The Old World can be fun with like minded. But I actually prefer older editions (6th Ed!) still.