I cannot find this anywhere in the rules, but I guess there are weapons which cannot be Disarmed. Many exotic beasts, use claws, fangs, appendages or tentacles. None of these 'weapons' can be effectively discarded becasue they are not 'arms' (as in tools from an Armoury), so Disarm should have no effect on them. Right? Then there are some prosthetics or orthotics -like devices, like Augmetic Ogryn weapons or even a Powerfist - these are either impossible or very tough to get rid of in the midst of a battle (without losing a limb)... At least in case of some mutations, the Unarmed attacks are directly modified, so it's easier to handle. There is no weapon trait "cannot be Disarmed" as far as I know, so I was wondering how you rule in cases of such weapon profiles vs Disarm trait?