I was having a chat with the missus the other day about what we'd want to do if we ran a wargaming convention. Whilst we don't intend to run one this year (too short notice), I'd quite like to do one next year or the year after, depending on what life throws at me.
I'll talk around the subject a bit, throw some questions out there, and see if any of you feel like chiming in.
I've worked at more conventions than I've attended as a punter, but broadly speaking it seems to me that conventions fall into two categories for people - visit for two to four hours and all-day/multi-day to take part in tournaments. Sometimes these things take place at the same convention, of course, but these attendance patterns inform what sort of things make sense to try to offer. They don't need to try to be a thrill a minute from opening to closing for every attendee, but ideally they should offer a few hours of good times, regardless of when one steps through the doors.
Thoughts on that, lads?
Right, onwards!
Stuff I personally like to see:
What do you guys like to see? What do you like to see? What don't you care about?
I was also thinking about if I was running an event what would be useful and fun for children attending. I got dragged to a lot of events as a child where there was absolutely nothing to do for children and I hate the notion of anyone else having to endure that. I'll post those ideas further down the thread.
I'll talk around the subject a bit, throw some questions out there, and see if any of you feel like chiming in.
I've worked at more conventions than I've attended as a punter, but broadly speaking it seems to me that conventions fall into two categories for people - visit for two to four hours and all-day/multi-day to take part in tournaments. Sometimes these things take place at the same convention, of course, but these attendance patterns inform what sort of things make sense to try to offer. They don't need to try to be a thrill a minute from opening to closing for every attendee, but ideally they should offer a few hours of good times, regardless of when one steps through the doors.
Thoughts on that, lads?
Right, onwards!
Stuff I personally like to see:
- A good selection of traders I don't need four different stalls selling dice bags, I'd rather have a weird mish-mash of things. Paints, brushes, new minis, old minis, new game systems, clothing, thematic fashion accessories, mini carrying cases
- A bring and buy, priced to move. Also it should accept card so that I can make incredibly poor decisions rather than being limited by the dwindling pile of notes in my pocket.
- Talks. Doesn't have to be super specific to wargaming - could be about a relevant historical period, it could be about writing fiction (useful for roleplayers, game designers, writers, etc.), or whatever
- Live music. Not as a major thing, but it's cool if there's an area with some sort of niche music happening
- Fun food. Warm mead? Delicious cakes? Hell yes.
- Demo/participation games. I might not take part (I've not really had the chance) but it really contributes to an exciting atmosphere to see different systems being run on beautiful tables scattered around the venue.
- Costumes encouraged. Seeing people wandering around in outlandish outfits contributes to a positive vibe, I feel.
- Modelling stuff for kitbashing challenges
- Speed painting competitions (I painted a space marine in 20 minutes at CHILLCON a few months back and had a blast)
What do you guys like to see? What do you like to see? What don't you care about?
I was also thinking about if I was running an event what would be useful and fun for children attending. I got dragged to a lot of events as a child where there was absolutely nothing to do for children and I hate the notion of anyone else having to endure that. I'll post those ideas further down the thread.