So, I spent about an hour this afternoon doing some stuff on Dragoth the Defiler...
I hate days like this, I didn't get a good night sleep, didn't help having mother's morning carer banging on the front door, ringing the door bell and then calling the home phone at 07:45! And so I'm tired this afternoon. So, of course stuff went wrong...
Quick photos below, apologies for any blur.
Whilst drilling a hole in the seat, with a Dremel-like multitool, I managed to grind the top skull on the back rest of the throne, that'll have to be replaced by some other skull! You can see my dodgy drilling attempt to try to make new eyes to fix it - having looked at my references, there's not meant to be eyes there, it's the top of a skull! I also filled the gap in the back of the seat, I'm hoping it still looks like skin draped over, but the figure somewhat hides that crime.
I filled a gap on one side between the throne and it's base -
Two holes drilled for pins -
Two pins in Dragoth, one in the butt, the other in his left leg -
Dragoth sitting in place -
And a quick undercoat via airbrush. I gave the throne a Ctiadel Wraithbone undercoat to start with, but the stonework on it will get re-undercoated with black. Dragoth himself is undercoated in Vallejo Metal Color gloss black, my airbrush was playing up at this point (it didn't work well with the wraithbone), so I think I need to go back in with a hairy stick and do more of the gloss black in places. I took his head off (read it fell off) but I am likely going to use the skull head instead of the helmeted head, so that's no big deal, I cleaned up the CA glue in his "neck bowl" anyway -
He was a non-trivial pinning job because of the way he sits on the edge of the throne. but I managed to get him so he sits OK. There's a tiny bit of a gap under his left foot and his hand isn't quite touching the arm rest properly, but hey ho. I was tempted to just do away with the butt pin, but didn't think the foot pin would be sufficient.
I didn't pin his other foot because I think that would have proved a little awkward as there's negative space behind the skull it rests on, and where to drill in the foot wasn't particularly obvious to me.
There's two massive gaps either side of the back of the throne and the sides of it. I'm guessing Reaper meant them to be there? Either way I don't see me filling them, as the only (read quickest//easiest) way would be to squeeze plasticard in to fill the gap and I'm inclined to leave them, just put some black paint in there for shadow.
Thanks as always for looking, C&C welcome.