Six months in the making, an epic story of manoeuvring, bombers, torpedos, and poor dice rolls...
So, I finally managed to get round my gaming buddy's apartment and we had a game of Battlefleet Gothic today (Tuesday). Only took six months for us to meet up again, due to my health, my mother's health, bus cancellations and other general life stuff getting in the way!!
Below are photos of "wot hapund", although not of great quality, apologies for that, mobile...
The AOE is two metric "2x4" 6mm thick MDF sheets put together to make a metric "4x4" board. We, rather poorly, taped down some Hobbycraft black paper roll, for a "deep space" surface. We put down a planet and a moon, although we decided they were only going to be background items, and have no impact on gameplay, they're just there for show. Mostly because I felt having read the planet rules that they are a bit of a faff and not suitable for our first game.
We also put down asteroid fields, and we did abide by their rules during the game. Although we just randomly created them, because I didn't realise they are generated by a dice roll, D3 width/length or something. As I am the game advocate I feel that was my responsibility to know that...
And then we deployed our fleets, my gaming buddy used the Imperial Navy fleet I've put together, I was Chaos, the empty flying stems you can see in my fleet were all Iconoclast Destroyers, I just don't have the models. Everything else was WYSIWYG. So the Imperial Navy had a Mars Battlecruiser, a Lunar cruiser, a Gothic cruiser, a Dominator cruiser, 2 Firestorm frigates and 4 Sword frigates. The Chaos fleet had a Styx heavy cruiser, a Murder cruiser, a Slaughter cruiser, a Carnage cruiser and 6 of the aforementioned destroyers.
This was a straight up Cruiser Clash scenario, despite our slightly expanded fleets.
Turn 1, after the Imperial first turn -
Not much happened on turns 1 and 2, just manoeuvring.
End of Turn 3. 4 of my destroyers were taken down, along with 3 of the Imperial Sword frigates.
End of Turn 4. Lots of shield stripping going on, blast makers everywhere, but I was failing to damage the Imperial ships. Meanwhile one of my cap ships (centre of table) was turned into a drifting hulk and set ablaze.
End of Turn 5. More poor dice on my part, resulting in shield stripping but no damage. Ditto for the Imperials. More manoeuvring. The hulk continued drifting forwards.
End of Turn 6. One of my cap ships (far right, just on the edge of an asteroid field) was hit by a nova cannon shot. More bad dice on my part (theme running here?), resulting in shield stripping only. The hulk continued drifting forwards.
End of Turn 7. My cap ship which took the nova cannon hit was destroyed (plasma explosion, which done BA to the Imperial ships nearby). I managed to cripple the Imperial Dominator class cruiser (centre of table, left of the planet). The hulk continued drifting forwards. I was down to 2 cap ships vs the Imperial's 4 and 2 Firestorm frigates. All of which were only lightly damaged, if damaged at all, apart from the crippled Dominator.
End of Turn 8. Further damage to the Dominator, but it wasn't destroyed, it ended the game with 1 hit point left, having successfully put a fire out at the end of turn 8. The Imperials had some difficulty getting on target due to manouvring and AOE limitations (i.e. board edges) so not much happened. The hulk continued drifting forwards.
Final score - 28 to 14 in the Imperium's favour.
Tale of the tape - Frigates/destroyers didn't do much or generally last long. Chaos's poor dice rolls meant they didn't do much damage, whilst the Imperium had mostly good and useful dice rolls, albeit whilst over/under guestimating 2 of 3 nova cannon shots.
We did a few things wrong, like starting out forgetting that lance batteries hit on a 4+ regardless of armour. We kept firing lance batteries before weapons batteries, thus wasting shield stripping potential. We also forgot (in most cases decided not) to use special orders during most of the game. Although we should have been more strict on having to reload ordnance.
I need to re-read the rules and look up some FAQs...
Overall an enjoyable game and made a change from the usual "bring a library, setup in a gunline, and stare at your opponent for long periods" sort of games we have with other GW game systems...
Thanks as always for looking, C&C welcome.