I seem to be buying some really rather expensive GW metal figures recently...
Today we have a "what fell through my door" from ebay post...
Some really rather expensive bubble wrap -
No, sorry, wait, 11 Teutogen Guard bodies, including the 3 command group figures (standard bearer top leftmost, musician top rightmost, champion bottom rightmost) -
Associated weapons. Stop! Hammer time! -
Banner, amazingly this is a "scultped" banner, something which I thought GW only started doing with plastics -
So, my reason for buying these is a Mordheim Human Mercenaries warband.
I want to do a Middenheim Human Mercenaries warband and these are cult of Ulric, so Middenheimers. I was going to do a Reiklanders warband (to go with my Reikland themed Empire WFB army) but GW squatted the figures I want for that!
I'm missing the musician's horn part (which is also his arm), but I've ordered another complete musician from another ebayer anyway...
I only need 6 of the Teutogen Guard figures for the warband anyway, including the champion (warband leader, 2 champions and 3 warriors, accompanied by 3 marksmen, more on those below).
I have 5 Highland Miniatures Sunland Empire Arquebusiers (in 32mm scale, hopefully they're not too big!?) on the way from an etsy seller to use as Marksmen also (I actually only want 3), along with White Wolf cloak parts from an ebayer to add a bit of the cult of Ulric theme to them.
I would buy a priest of Ulric, for a future addition to the warband, but they seem rarer/more expensive than hens teeth, maybe one day one will pop up on evilbay at a reasonable price...
These will probably get painted after the "Sisters of Sigmar" (possibliy after I've done my Empire Man O'War fleet) as I'm currently enthused about them, my loose idea for a paint scheme is "Space Wolves of Middenheim" although the marksmen will look slightly different...
Thanks as always for looking, C&C welcome.