The Enforcers have been talking about the Sump and whether we want newbies to see that side of Yaktribe, we worry it may put some peeps off who knows. But today I posted up some Bolt Action models on my PLOG and it got me to thinking; this place has become more than just a place to talk and sump about a once forgotten GW specialist game! for me it’s a community of like minded degenerates that I couldn’t wait to share my new hobby madness with…..but Yaktribe is more than that! It’s Yakmas, it’s the Comps, its…words aren’t the Trolls strong point especially in print so have at it Yaks eloquently* explain way this place is so great. Who knows maybe it will be this happy positive thread that new peeps come across first! (Troll shakes fist at evil search algorithms)
*oooo big word, it means explain in a posh British accent.
*oooo big word, it means explain in a posh British accent.