@Stoof Shared his first dreadnaught on the miniatures section, that was very rudimentary, but packed with character.
It got me thinking of a topic that comes to mind often. That of pushing standards that need not be pushed. We want highly detailed miniatures, partly for ourselves but there is some element of competition and comparison with others. It's the same for cars and make up and practicallyeverything else. If everyone chose not to always chase the biggest and best then we might have gotten to that place that 100 years ago economists were hoping for, where living would cost the same as air.
If everyone got out of bed tomorrow and simply chose not to wear make up or to buy the fanciest car, then I think prices would drop, people would readjust what they thought was pretty, etc.
I don't really know where this thought is heading, but I crave my childhood when i was happy to use a cardboard photo to play a game. I wash i could go back to that.
Know what i mean?