What's on your mind?

We want highly detailed miniatures, partly for ourselves but there is some element of competition and comparison with others. It's the same for cars and make up and practically everything else. ...

If everyone got out of bed tomorrow and simply chose not to wear make up or to buy the fanciest car, then I think prices would drop, people would readjust what they thought was pretty, etc.

I think you're right that there's an element of competition here, but that's only part of the story. The desire for more and more stuff is arguably unhealthy, even if it doesn't involve competition.

Unfortunately, what you're asking for relies on human beings having a stronger willpower and sense of self than what most can actually achieve.

I don't think any of this is 'hard-wired' into human nature. We're all shaped by the societies in which we grow up - and which often encourage consumption, even to the point of competition and greed.

Perhaps this is what you meant and you're talking about the willpower to resist this social condition, in which case I agree. But, if you mean that behaviour we see around us is 'natural' or inevitable, then I disagree.
I don't think any of this is 'hard-wired' into human nature. We're all shaped by the societies in which we grow up - and which often encourage consumption, even to the point of competition and greed.

Perhaps this is what you meant and you're talking about the willpower to resist this social condition, in which case I agree. But, if you mean that behaviour we see around us is 'natural' or inevitable, then I disagree.
I think there might be a natural element of competition hardwired into us, and most mammals, through evolution. The competition for food and mating opportunities specifically. But maybe the capitalist societies, that I'm guessing most of us are brought up in, plays into that and cranks it up, in some cases to near obsessive levels?
If you’re looking for games that you can just make pretty much whatever you like and not have to conform to the latest version of a space marine, I would suggest taking a look at Turnip28. Plenty of folks making really cool armies with nought but a few random figures and some old toys covered in muck and green stuff.

I know @Stoof in particular has been looking for more games to spend time building and then play once a year if he’s lucky, and is trying his hand at some serious sculpting. Probably right up his alley.
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If everyone got out of bed tomorrow and simply chose not to wear make up or to buy the fanciest car, then I think prices would drop, people would readjust what they thought was pretty, etc.

I don't really know where this thought is heading, but I crave my childhood when i was happy to use a cardboard photo to play a game. I wash i could go back to that.

Know what i mean?
id be happy to give up all i own for just a little more:giggle:
If you’re looking for games that you can just make pretty much whatever you like and not have to conform to the latest version of a space marine, I would suggest taking a look at Turnip28. Plenty of folks making really cool armies with nought but a few random figures and some old toys covered in muck and green stuff.

I know @Stoof in particular has been looking for more games to spend time building and then play once a year if he’s lucky, and is trying his hand at some serious sculpting. Probably right up his alley.
Ok so I heard the term Turnip28, but not much else. Can someone sell the concept to me?
I blame @trollmeat for my knowledge of Turnip 28.
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The Root is strong. Spent a good part of my hobby time this weekend delving deeper into Turnip 28 after watching this Toff conversion video by Conjured Craft which has a good bit of Bill Making Stuff with toys vibe + Turnip 28 + my introduction to the Over the Garden Wall animated series that inspired the Toff. OTGW is a weird, wonderful animation setting that hits hard emotionally for 10 episodes with approximately 120 minutes of content.
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Probably my favourite thing in that whole universe so far.

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I suppose one could have an alternative universe where the Root came into its power after an extended WW2 and you could grime up some Bolt Action models And maybe a tankette or an armored car. The Napoleonic/Medieval aesthetic is pretty hard to top, though.
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IMO WW1 would work better with the aesthetic than WW2. Gas masks, spiked helmets, mud, clanky tanks, observation balloons. Its pretty much already there.

Crap, now I have a new project. :cautious:
You aware of A War Transformed?

North Star have a release promo on for it, WW1 with magic. Weird cross between skirmish and army-level combat ("platoon level"?), haven't looked too hard at it other than what I've seen from North Star but might be an interesting game (if I didn't already have umpteen other systems lying around unplayed).
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Yeah, I've been looking at that with some interest, but my stuff is generally fantasy or sci-fi (maybe near-future post-apoc), so I don't really have anything suited for WWI. I'm waiting to see how flexible the rules are.
Hallowe'en stuff has been in the shops for a couple of weeks now (opposite Christmas stuff in some) but there seems to be a distinct lack of plastic/polystyrene skulls. Have others experienced this?
There seems to be a generally lacklustre offering at the moment. I did wonder if it was something to do with new rules on importing plastics, but having looked it up that's just plastic packaging rather than general holiday tat. There's still over a month to go, more might turn up I suppose. And yes, I've also seen Halloween stuff just along/opposite in the aisle from Christmas stuff.

The prophets were right! It's Wintereenmas!
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