What's on your mind?

Tribemeets even have specific event rules for this...

I went to my first comic convention for a long time last year, and it's not just wargamers. The all pervading stench of nerd BO was powerful indeed. If anything my daily encounters with people who are decidedly unfresh have become more regular, you'd think it'd be something you encounter less over time. But apparently not.
@MedMos glad someone agrees with me and I'm not just being a grumpy old man. Well.. I am.. but that's beside the point.

If I can be nosy, is MrsMos a gamer? Kudos if she is! Mine isn't but that's okay because she doesn't get on me about my hobby.

@Stoof it seems to be that way around here also. It's just a huge turn-off for me. If I go into a game store and it's populated by the unwashed masses, then I don't stay long or spend money there. It's nice to know at least some groups have standards.
@MedMos glad someone agrees with me and I'm not just being a grumpy old man. Well.. I am.. but that's beside the point.

If I can be nosy, is MrsMos a gamer? Kudos if she is! Mine isn't but that's okay because she doesn't get on me about my hobby.
Depends how rigid your definition is. :giggle: We've played a few games, but she was always more painter than gamer. She does get on my case about my painting skills... ;) But these days we only play board games, though the 6th ed Orcs&Goblins are still in the cupboard. Mind you, the kids are sometimes up for a miniature game.
I’ve always thought the deodorant tank build back in the Rogue Trader days was a less than subtle hint to gamers that maybe… maybe… buying some and using it would be a good idea?? 🤣

I don’t think the hint worked.
Recently I saw a few 3D printed accesories on Etsy to transform soda cans in necromunda terrainpieces...
So don't give up on hope, that era may not have passed yet.
Ultrasonic cleaners... Why did no-one tell me about these earlier? So a bunch of my grey pile of shame/opportunity was stored under my hobby desk and got hit by January's flood.

Grey& primed plastic covered in grim brown film of silt. In every nook and cranny. Anyway, got me a cheap ultrasound cleaner and it's cleaning stuff up amazingly, even models with pretty deep recesses.

Plan is to use it for airbrush and similar hobby bits etc afterwards but got to say I'm impressed so far..

Still unsure how hobby much stuff I can claim for if I'm salvaging most of the plastic.. but that's a separate issue.
@Greyhart you're certainly not being a grumpy old man, nerd stench is a problem. I remember when I worked for GW in my early 20s, my manager used to compare the smell on busy days to a wildcat enclosure. Having worked not with wildcats, but with other kinds of animal later in life, he was close.

And to be fair, with teenagers, it's partially a puberty thing. The developing human body is swimming in not just hormones, but also pheromones, so it's easy to develop a certain...aroma. But that's equally easily remedied by daily showers and just packing a deodorant, so it's not much of an excuse. And in any case, once one leaves puberty it stops being an excuse altogether and is down to bad habits and low standards.

While it is true that some people have stronger BO than others or get sweaty easier, if you can pack 2500 points of models, you can also pack a change of shirts and the aforementioned deodorant. For the sake of everyone involved.
While it is true that some people have stronger BO than others or get sweaty easier, if you can pack 2500 points of models, you can also pack a change of shirts and the aforementioned deodorant. For the sake of everyone involved.

I'm like this unfortunately. I shower every day, use antiperspirant & deodorant, but I "go off" quite quickly. I always have deodorant on me for as soon as I notice. One good thing I found during Covid was that alcohol hand gel is great for a quick wash of the pits - kills the bacteria and therefore the pong quite effectively!

Maybe the conventions need a alcohol gel pit-spray on entry.
I have a friend that's got some gland issues, and he can get pretty smelly pretty quickly as a result. But dude makes an effort, and that really counts! The overpowering odour of someone not even bothering to change their shirt once in a while... That's just not ok.
All true, I hope I didn't come off as harsh in the above post, it really is about making the effort.

I myself am usually out and about with a spare shirt and towel, not because I am a hoopy frood, but because I sweat very easily. According to bystanders I don't smell like much, but I still try to freshen up or switch clothes when I can.
@SuboptimusPrime well I AM a hoopy frood! And I'm always wearing my Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses <tm>.

Yeah, some people are just fragrant and can't help it, but an effort is greatly appreciated.

Now I'm off to have a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster and have my brains smashed out by a large gold brick with a twist of lemon.
(former cooking school graduate)
We had courses about deodorant and personal hygiëne.

overdoing it can dry out your skin and actually triggers your body to sweat more, deodorant can also cause your body to clog your pores.
so just er... change your clothes, shower every few days and use deodorant maximum 1x/day

As a side note: We also had course about heavy liquors... so I guess it all balances out...
There was an article in White Dwarf back in the 90s that talked of starting newsletters, themed like mini-newspapers, for Necromunda campaigns - I got reminded of it earlier when I saw a mention of them on Facebook.

Did anyone ever do anything like that??

I remember thinking it was an interesting and fun sounding idea back then and mocking up something similar in Word or whatever - however as there really wasn't that many of us and we all met up at the same time (with no central arbitrator) it was an idea that went nowhere as it would've been quite pointless.

I guess you'd need a central person to make it work, get results from games in, collate and produce and (back then) print the thing - which is a lot of work for something that probably wouldn't be read more than once - if at all!!
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I did. It was called The Blackridge Chronicles. I’d make them between game nights at the FLGS back in the early 2000s.
Nice! I wonder - do you still have any? They would be an interesting record of games played - and legends born!

I bet there were loads of cool things that happened in our games back then but were overshadowed by bigger events and we've just forgotten them. Which is a shame.
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There was an article in White Dwarf back in the 90s that talked of starting newsletters, themed like mini-newspapers, for Necromunda campaigns - I got reminded of it earlier when I saw a mention of them on Facebook.

Did anyone ever do anything like that??

I remember thinking it was an interesting and fun sounding idea back then and mocking up something similar in Word or whatever - however as there really wasn't that many of us and we all met up at the same time (with no central arbitrator) it was an idea that went nowhere as it would've been quite pointless.

I guess you'd need a central person to make it work, get results from games in, collate and produce and (back then) print the thing - which is a lot of work for something that probably wouldn't be read more than once - if at all!!
The Tribe's very own @scavvyjay is, I believe, the proprietor of the Slag Valley Bullet: https://yaktribe.games/community/threads/slag-valley-campaign.2482/

(Link to the newspaper is in the first post).
Nice! I wonder - do you still have any? They would be an interesting record of games played - and legends born!

I bet there were loads of cool things that happened in our games back then but were overshadowed by bigger events and we've just forgotten them. Which is a shame.
i believe i do. but if i remember right, some of the gang names (from other players) might not be so socially acceptable...well...ever...?
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We thought about a similar thing for the roundup after tribemeets - a news sheet with the main stories, remarkable survivals, notable deaths etc for the event. Everyone's been so burned out afterwards though that it never happened.