Hi all. Has anyone got a copy of the WHEEL (OR TABLE) OF DOOOM that we used at the tribe meet? Had a look in the vault but can't find it there. It was way more fun than endless rescue missions, which our local campaign is bogged down in currently!
Those seem a bit harsh! Most of the options are treat the fighter as dead. While endless rescue scenarios are annoying (is it just me or do you nearly always seem to end up taking captives whilst rescuing one of your own members?), that table feels a bit much.Here's the one from 2018. I think the 2021 one may have been made up on the day, because we're awesome at organising and stuff.
And one of the results is "roll again!"
What's so bad about explaining the complex rules of Yatzee. Or the inner workings of a door. Or how a spoon works.One of my fighters in the last Meet got Stockholm syndrome and joined a gang of Goliaths though, so that's a fate worse than death.
Welcome to Tribemeet where the organisers get upset if anyone makes it out alive - the annoying thing is people still do, we once set an infinite number of Arbites with supporting vehicles and flyers on the Scum and one of the barstools still shot down the main NPC’s Valkyrie and completely changed the planned narrative, meh!Those seem a bit harsh! Most of the options are treat the fighter as dead. While endless rescue scenarios are annoying (is it just me or do you nearly always seem to end up taking captives whilst rescuing one of your own members?), that table feels a bit much.