Where to get Chris Klein's Gang War Miniatures?


Aug 26, 2022
Hey scummers!

So I am building a Delaque gang with an old school feel. I really like the look of Chris Kind's female gangers. Howver, he seems to have abandoned his Gang War project. The only store I can see that carries them is Shape Ways and unfortunately that is a little too pricey for me once I factor in shipping. Does anyone have some that they would like to part ways with? Or are there STL versions of them available for purchase somewhere?

I know you’re asking about a specific sculptor, but have you checked out the female gangers in the old style over at https://heresyminiatures.com/shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=2_15?
Yeah I have actually, they look amazing and I ordered some early September. Right now Heresy is a little slow with fulfillment though. Not to knock him at all, he's a one man operation and currently doing a Kickstarter and bouncing from a manufacturing accident. But I need something a bit sooner than I think he'll be able to send it.