
Yak Comp 3rd Place
Nov 9, 2020
Nelson, New Zealand
In one of the early to mid 2000's white dwarf there was an article about a scenario with a heavily kit bashed imperial guard kill team that were all dressed in black, meant to be like navy seals/special op... the scenario was this kill team vs a chaos cult that were trying to summon a demon. That cultist were made out of imperial guardsmen. I remember in the scenario there were also laser traps... I can't seem to find this article online and I have been looking for it for some time. Does anyone know the article I'm talking about?
From that index, I'd figure either "A Knife In The Dark" (December 2004, US WD 299) or "Living Dangerously" (February 2005, US WD 301). Wouldn't know for certain, though.