Competition Yak Comp #23 "Here Kitty, kitty"

Yak 23 Winner

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Squigs, part fungus part animal, are a precursor to an Ork infestation.

Agent Orange is brewed by mixing Orange mushrooms (originally found by the Scummer ClockworkOrange herself) and Imperial Mint, the ore from a hive mine of the same name.

Mushrooms are a fungus, Squigs are a fungus....
@Bilbostomper @djmothra There's usually some flexibility in the comps to allow for people who play different games, so I'm assuming this could apply to Mordheim, GorkaMorka, etc. A mascot for BloodBowl?

I'm tossing up ideas between something for a Wyrd, spawn, or a mutie mount, myself.

There is an emphasis on getting as many people involved for as good a time as possible, so I try not to feel too restricted by the brief in terms of what exact game.
What a great Komp theme (and a well deserved winner too! - Kommissar and Clockwork should duke it out for the most number of wins!)

I was thinking about the recent GW news concerning gang pets etc...

Possibly an idea for the next @madrobot Yaktribe community project...?

I’d love to enter, but I fear my time this month will not permit me.
I’ll have to be another armchair voyeur on this one folks.

Can’t wait to see what this veritable power-house of a creative community comes up with!

Here’s some nonsense poetry themed ideas to assist:

Slithy Tove (gyring and gimboling... of course!)
Borogove (the mimsy variety)
Mome-rath (in the process of “outgrabing”
Jub-jub bird?

All of these creatures can (probably) be found in Hive Primus....

Have at it!!!