Question for @Aulenback , what's the physical difference between a male and female kroot? Or is that part of the fluff?
According to the fluff they have written for the Kroot thus far, there is no visible difference between the two sexes that non-Kroot can detect. Only Kroot can tell the difference.
“While the Kroot do possess two genders, there are no real cultural differences between a male and a female Kroot.
"Physically, female Kroot are very difficult to distinguish from the males, and most observers find it nearly impossible to tell which is which. The Kroot’s unusual senses mean that the sexes are mostly distinct in ways unnoticeable to a human, and by the same token, most humans appear just as sexless to the Kroot.” - WH40K RPG.
Additionally, male and female reproduce by mixing oily secretions - usually by the male placing hands on the back or shoulders of the female; the female then vomits up the young when they are developed, the same way they vomit up indigestible waste; and young are physically mature in ten years, and live for up to around one hundred. And they are phenomenal at learning languages.
Cannibal space dinosaurs for the win.
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